BANKEX Token Listed on Bittrex
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BANKEX Token Listed on Bittrex

THELOGICALINDIAN - Top50 fintech aggregation BANKEX has appear its advertisement on USbased Bittrex the 7th better cryptocurrency barter by trading aggregate common As of today BKX is accessible to a added ambit of badge buyers including US citizens

After the acknowledged barrage of several new articles and services, including the beta adaptation of BANKEX Plasma, BANKEX founders accept absitively that it’s time to accomplish the BKX account badge added accessible to abeyant badge holders, including American citizens.

The success of Plasma, the aboriginal ability of a Plasma blockchain originally envisioned by Vitalik Buterin for the capital Ethereum network, was amid the affidavit to feel able to seek a advertisement on the Bittrex exchange. Plasma has approved a accommodation of 22k affairs per additional after sharding at a amount of beneath than 50 cents per transaction, authoritative it a astute another to the absolute VISA arrangement of cyberbanking transaction management.

BANKEX is the developer of the Proof-of-Asset Protocol, a technology acclimated to actualize Smart Assets of altered classes. BKX is an Ethereum-based ERC-20 account badge acclimated for payments aural the PoA ecosystem.  The BKX badge is used, for example, as the accolade in the BANKEX Bounty Service, as a Decision Fee and account badge to buy voting tokens in BANKEX Smart Justice, as ammunition for AppToken, MediaToken and as a fee in the BANKEX Trust Service, BKX Scan and amid added applications aural the BANKEX platform. The advertisement of BKX on Bittrex today simplifies admission to these products.

Other enterprises are already amalgam BANKEX technology to move business to the blockchain. MovieCoin, for example, is a blockchain-based belvedere for the costs of above motion pictures, television and added media that incorporates the BANKEX Proof-of-Asset Protocol as able-bodied as acute contracts.

MovieCoin is focused on standardizing the financing, advertisement and acquittal processes in the ball industry. The belvedere will acquiesce businesses and individuals to clue and accept residuals and royalties from administration waterfalls in near-real-time as they are collected. Payments due to investors, producers, actors, guilds and added parties will be remitted on-receipt, rather than actuality captivated by intermediaries until the abutting accounting period. In accession to a clandestine balance alms for MovieCoin Smart Fund Tokens, which represent buying in a portfolio of affection affected blur and television projects, MovieCoin is arising a abstracted cryptocurrency, accepted as Moviecoin Tokens, that will admit amount for appurtenances and casework throughout the industry, from accessing costs accoutrement on the belvedere to purchasing cine amphitheater tickets and renting content.

In April this year, BKX was listed on CoinBene, a arch cryptocurrency barter in China. BKX can additionally be bought at exchanges such as IDEX, OKEX, and EtherDelta. 

BANKEX is a all-around top-50 fintech aggregation developing the Proof-of-Asset Protocol to accompany Bank-as-a-Service (BaaS) artefact modules and blockchain calm for the digitization, tokenization & barter of assets for the development of a all-around tokenized ecosystem.  Leading BANKEX technologies accommodate the Proof-of-Asset Protocol for tokenization, the Plasma Protocol, BANKEX Scan, BANKEX Smart Justice, BANKEX Trust Service, and the Solidity Floating Point Library, amid others.

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