BitHub.Africa Announces African Blockchain Opportunity Crowdsale Campaign to Foster Region’s Cryptocurrency Ecosystem
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BitHub.Africa Announces African Blockchain Opportunity Crowdsale Campaign to Foster Region’s Cryptocurrency Ecosystem

THELOGICALINDIAN - Nairobibased blockchain startup BitHubAfrica has appear its Blockchain Opportunity Campaign

The attack centers about a crowdsale which offers absorbed parties an all-encompassing address documenting the top 16 brightest blockchain platforms for 2017. The new address comes in the anatomy of a downloadable ebook, for $29.99 and all gain will abutment activities at the company’s new incubator hubs beyond Africa.

BitHub.Africa was founded by Kenyan Blockchain entrepreneur John Karanja in December 2015 and clearly started business operations in Kenya in January 2016. BitHub.Africa is the capital bartering Blockchain abettor active the acceptance of blockchain technology and solutions beyond Africa.

Africa is now the fastest accretion bazaar in the apple for blockchain technologies, with the amount of startups growing at an exponential rate. BitHub.Africa looks to abutment Bitcoin and blockchain startups affiliated to the fiat-based ‘M-Pesa’, in the accretion African market. Unlike accepted solutions, the projects accurate by BitHub.Africa will accommodate a acceptable and accessible way to catechumen and absorb Bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies for accepted transactions.

In the ‘Blockchain Opportunity Report’, BitHub.Africa has assiduously analyzed 16 cryptocurrency and blockchain platforms that are believed to accept the best abeyant to account abundant changes in the sectors of finance, technology, and commerce. The address will be best benign to blockchain entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and enthusiasts.

The cryptocurrency association is alpha to feel the allowances that a decentralized banking ecosystem can provide, with specific applications in adaptable and internet-based technology  

Hyperinflation, fraud, and bribery accept all afflicted ample genitalia of Africa in contempo times, causing banking difficulties for abounding of its people. Alternative currencies accept an astronomic abeyant to advice by giving bodies added ascendancy over their wealth, abolition acceptable mechanisms for all-embracing trade, ability management, and governance.

Citizens ache from cher coffer fees due to a abrasion banking infrastructure, mismanagement, bribery and growing inflation. The accretion acceptance of confusing blockchain technology is allowance bodies action these issues, but there is still a continued way to go.

The use of cryptocurrencies has developed exponentially in the eight years back Bitcoin emerged. The bazaar is now abounding with new cryptocurrencies, which is additionally starting to buck a few adverse effects. One of the problems that accept arisen apropos the growing acceleration of counterfeit cryptocurrency startups and Ponzi schemes like ‘MMM’.

BitHub.Africa’s absolute report aims to advice cryptocurrency businesses and enthusiasts to abstain some of these counterfeit altcoins and advice enthusiasts to accomplish a added abreast accommodation back investing.

The aggregation at BitHub.Africa has been dedicatedly researching all cryptocurrency platforms and allegory the calm abstracts to actuate which of them offers the best avant-garde solutions to some of the bread-and-butter and amusing issues currently adverse the African cryptocurrency community.

Proceeds from the $29.99 for anniversary archetype of the address will go appear the African Blockchain Opportunity Campaign and aids BitHub.Africa’s mission to access accumulation acceptance of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology beyond the continent.

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