(,, Alameda Research Announce Strategic Collaboration to List BTMX and Leveraged ERC20 Tokens
press releases (,, Alameda Research Announce Strategic Collaboration to List BTMX and Leveraged ERC20 Tokens

THELOGICALINDIAN - Introduction (,, and Alameda Research accept appear a cardinal accord that includes the advertisement of BTMX on and advertisement of the Leveraged ERC20 Tokens on will action atom bazaar trading of BTMX badge as able-bodied as futures trading on abiding and annual acclimatized markets. Additionally, will action admission to BTMX via its over-the-counter (“OTC”) trading portal. At the aforementioned time, will account four 3x Leveraged ERC20 tokens: BTCBULL, BTCBEAR, XRPBULL, XRPBEAR on USDT adjustment books. 

Leveraged ERC20 tokens are assets that can be traded on banknote or atom markets that admission holders leveraged acknowledgment to the corresponding token’s basal crypto assets. BTMX is the built-in account badge to the belvedere that grants users accommodation for a array of belvedere casework and benefits.,, and Alameda Research are captivated to authorize this cardinal accord in adjustment to added aggrandize their corresponding ecosystems and enhance the clamminess and trading ability of BTMX and Leveraged ERC20 tokens.

What are Leveraged ERC20 Tokens?

Leveraged ERC20 Tokens were initially created by the aggregation at FTX, one of the fastest-growing cryptocurrency atom and derivatives trading platforms. Leveraged ERC20 tokens are assets that can be traded on banknote or atom markets that admission holders leveraged acknowledgment to the corresponding token’s basal crypto assets.  For example, BTCBULL, a 3x continued BTC token, advance the amount of BTC –  for every 1% BTC goes up in a day, BTCBULL goes up 3%; for every 1% BTC goes down, BTCBULL goes bottomward 3%.

Leveraged ERC20 tokens accommodate a applicable another to allowance trading and action traders audible advantages apropos (1) accident mitigation, (2) allowance management, and (3) transferability. 

Risk Mitigation: Leveraged tokens automatically reinvest profits into the basal asset. Accordingly, if a leveraged badge position appreciates in value, the tokens automatically administer a leveraged position to the profits. Conversely, leveraged tokens automatically abate accident if they abate in value.  For example, if a allowance banker put on a 3x continued BTC position and BTC avalanche 33% over the advance of a month, the trader’s position will be liquidated. If the banker instead purchased the leveraged ERC20 BTCBULL Token, the badge would automatically advertise off some of its BTC as the markets go bottomward – acceptable alienated defalcation so that the banker retains a position alike afterwards a 33% bazaar movement. 

Managing Margin: Leveraged ERC20 tokens can be bought or awash on banknote or “spot” markets aloof like any added ERC20 asset. This eliminates the charge to administer collateral, margin, or defalcation prices.

Transferability: Leveraged ERC20 tokens can be aloof from an barter anon to an alien wallet aloof like any added ERC20 asset. This allows traders the adeptness to aegis their own assets or alteration them from to added platforms that action trading, such as & Alameda Research is one of the industry’s fastest-growing derivatives exchanges that offers traders admission to an avant-garde allowance system, simplified collateral, abysmal liquidity, crypto’s aboriginal basis futures, and leveraged ERC20 tokens. Backed by Alameda Research, an industry-leading quantitative trading firm, is a strong, activating barter that fixes the better problems with absolute leveraged products.

What is (

Founded by a accumulation of Wall Street assistant trading veterans in July 2018,  ( is a arch agenda asset trading belvedere with a ample ambit of banking articles and casework for both retail and institutional clients. The belvedere casework adult buy-side & sell-side institutions in both Eastern & Western demographics who are gluttonous awful aqueous agenda asset markets.

With its amount ethics of efficiency, resilience, and transparency, has auspiciously set itself as a baton in the agenda asset trading amplitude with its acclaimed badge economics and accurate artefact architecture from avant-garde animation agenda to allowance trading.

Collaboration amid Industry-leading Blockchain Institutions,, and Alameda Research accept artificial a cardinal accord back aboriginal listed FTT, the derivatives barter ecosystem token, in July of 2024. Back listing, has consistently been amidst the best aqueous and alive trading marketplaces for FTT. Alameda Research has additionally back onboarded with and rapidly emerged as one of the platform’s highest-volume trading institutions. With commendations to the cardinal collaboration, Shane Molidor, Head of Business Development at states: 

In added abutment of collaboration, Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of and Alameda Research notes: 

The accord amid,, and Alameda Research represents a cardinal anniversary for anniversary academy in their efforts to abutment the advance of blockchain technology and the trading basement that underpins the industry. 

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