Cardano Metaverse Project Cardalonia Launches Seed Token Sale, Set To Kick Off Land Pre-Sale Whitelisting
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Cardano Metaverse Project Cardalonia Launches Seed Token Sale, Set To Kick Off Land Pre-Sale Whitelisting

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cardalonia a Cardano Metaverse Project architecture a architect axial Metaverse on the Cardano blockchain that will affix creators developers asset creators and artists and comedy to acquire lovers through an alternate and curated Metaverse experience

Cardalonia launches the berry auction of its $LONIA Governance token. The berry auction comes afterwards a private pre-seed funding and absolution of the Cardalonia Play to acquire abstraction on the Cardano blockchain.

Cardalonia berry auction is currently on-going and will present an befalling to acquirement Cardalonia tokens at lower admission points. In accession to accepting Cardalonia (LONIA) tokens at a lower rate, buyers will additionally acquire an automated aboriginal admission to the accessible Terrania (Cardalonia Land) NFT drop.

Cardalonia’s berry badge auction will run from April 20 for a continuance of 6 Epochs on Cardalonia’s website,

$LONIA badge will be listed on assorted exchanges afterwards the consecutive allotment rounds.

Interested participants can accompany in the berry auction with a Cardano accordant wallet like Yoroi or Nami wallet and  acquirement the $LONIA badge through the sale page.

Additionally, afterwards the berry auction has been concluded, LONIA Token holders can alpha reserving their Cardalonia Land pre-sale spots to get aboriginal admission to the Land Sale.

Terrania is the Cardalonia Land As a Player, you can actualize custom adventures on Cardalonia Land which charge be acquired by the amateur afore actuality able to abode any Cardalonia NFT assets.

LONIA badge berry auction participants will accept whitelist admission to purchasing Cardalonia accoutrements of acreage that would be represented as NFTs which would actuate the association anniversary amateur accord to.

After you’ve acquired or busy a Land, you can get started designing and architecture your experiences!

Cardalonia offers users the different befalling to acquaintance a architect affable and different comedy to acquire acquaintance on Cardano. $LONIA, launched as a Cardano built-in badge will be the Governance Badge for the Cardalonia Ecosystem.

Users Can Stake their LONIA tokens to acquire rewards, absolute acreage NFT and Clan drops.

Cardalonia Exchange will serve as the capital in-app exchange to buy, advertise Cardalonia User Generated Assets.

$LONIA badge berry auction is alive to aboriginal adopters. You can be a allotment of the berry auction through this link. Afterwards the berry sale, there will be a pre-sale and afterwards which a accessible auction & IEO. During the berry sale, 15 actor $LONIA tokens will be in accumulation at the amount of 14 LONIA per ADA.

The pre-sale appearance will see the $LONIA tokens will be accessible at a college rate, Users can read this adviser for added capacity on how to accompany the berry sale.

In the weeks to come, Cardalonia will absolution the staking platform, the Cardalonia Map and bang off the Land pre-Sale whitelisting.

Purchase ADA from any cryptocurrency barter and accelerate them to your Cardano wallet

Visit the $LONIA Badge Auction Page and accelerate ADA to the Cardalonia badge auction address

$LONIA tokens will be automatically beatific to the wallet abode acclimated in accommodating in the Sales.

Interested Investors attractive to acquirement LONIA tokens at the berry auction can appointment the token auction page.

Cardalonia is a basic apple area players can build, own and adapt their own adventures on the Cardano Blockchain.

Unlocking adroitness in the Metaverse as you can Earn, create, socialize, play, barter and so abundant added based on the P2E concept, acceptation players will be able to analyze it while they acquire and absorb application in-game money, alleged Lonia tokens.


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Media contact:
Company: Cardalonia
Contact Name: Vasil Air
E-mail: [email protected]
Location: Tallinn, Estonia