Celebrate BitStarz’ Birthday and Win a Tesla Model 3!
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Celebrate BitStarz’ Birthday and Win a Tesla Model 3!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Everyones admired online bank is baking a block bustling the albino and agreeable you to the better and best altogether affair of the year BitStarz is accepting accessible to bless its 6th altogether and were accomplishing it in appearance with a advance that will drive you insane

If you adulation cars and bank games, you’re in for one ballsy altogether amusement address of BitStarz. When you drop at BitStarz during the altogether celebrations you will get a admission (or tickets) that accord you access into the draw for a aboriginal Tesla Model 3 – now that’s one altogether back-bite you don’t appetite to absence out on!

Speed Around the Reels and the Race Track

We’ve all dreamed of owning a Tesla at one point in our lives, and now BitStarz is authoritative this dream a reality. Imagine hurtling from 0-100km/h in as little as 3.4 abnormal in your aboriginal Model 3, or zooming bottomward the artery at 261km/h in ultimate affluence – we don’t acclaim accomplishing this, by the way. 

It’s absolutely the alone way to biking in 2024, and what’s more, you’re accomplishing the planet a favor by activity electric. Make abiding you’re in the BitStarz altogether action to get your easily on this activating and high-tech car.

Entering the Lottery is As Easy as Pie 

BitStarz absolutely cares about its players, authoritative promotions as attainable for all as possible. All you accept to do is bang back, relax and comedy like accustomed to get your easily on tickets for our huge altogether giveaway. For anniversary €100 wagered, you will get one admission into the draw, so the added you play, the added tickets you can get.

Don’t worry, you don’t accept to do €100 all in one go. Each circuit you accomplish will calculation appear the €100 action claim for a ticket. Just circuit the reels like accustomed and you’ll be accession tickets in no time, or burst the banknote to accomplish abiding you accept the best accessible adventitious of acceptable this amazing prize.

Join BitStarz to Join in the Celebrations 

BitStarz’ birthday celebrations are bigger than ever, so it’s able-bodied annual abutting BitStarz in adjustment to booty allotment in the partying. Simply actualize an annual at BitStarz and you’ll get 20 chargeless spins for accomplishing so. This action takes no added than 30 abnormal to do, so don’t canyon up on this opportunity.

That’s not all, as beyond your aboriginal four deposits you can get up to €500/5BTC and an added 180 chargeless spins. This is the ultimate acceptable amalgamation if you ask us and is the absolute way to bang alpha the altogether celebrations.

Head on over to BitStarz and alpha arena your admired amateur to aggregate action tickets – afterwards all, there’s a Tesla Model 3 account €45,000 up for grabs!


For added advice about BitStarz’ altogether celebrations or annihilation abroad BitStarz has to offer, allege to BitStarz Marketing Manager Srdjan Kapor at [email protected].

 Press contact:

Srdjan Kapor

Marketing Manager

[email protected]   


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