Chasyr: The Uber Disrupter
press releases

Chasyr: The Uber Disrupter

THELOGICALINDIAN - Chasyr has afresh appear that they will be accessory this years TechCrunch Disrupt captivated in San Francisco to acquaint ridesharing application cryptocurrency and the technology they will use to do so After seeing a ton of advantage on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology over the aftermost year from TechCrunch itself the Chasyr aggregation believes it is the absolute time to blast the affair in Silicon Valley

[Note: This is a columnist release.]


Startups who display at these conferences go with a plan to argue investors how they are the abutting Uber of article that will be one day be hosted in the Apple or Google comedy store. Chasyr will be there to appearance how they will be a acknowledged aggregation on a altered exchange alleged Swarm City. Since alone a few blockchain projects are accessory the huge accident the aggregation believes it won’t be too adamantine to accretion the absorption and abutment of the crowd.

CEO of Chasyr Tommy Marquez says:

Founded by an ex-rideshare disciplinarian Tommy Marquez alone a few months ago, it seems the Chasyr drive is no joke. Gaining accepted Uber disciplinarian absorption from as far abroad as Malaysia while actuality headquartered in Fresno, CA shows that this new access on rideshare is wanted.

With 400 additional disciplinarian assurance ups in over 80 cities and a solid advising board, it seems this ride won’t be slowing bottomward anytime soon. This activity actuality advance by a self-made administrator who has declared about that he will get cryptocurrency adopted by the boilerplate one day doesn’t aching either.

Now accepting able abutment from the association they are absorption on aboriginal and Swarm City followers Chasyr is attractive appealing unstoppable right now.

Images address of Chasyr