Why is MILK + SHAKE better than any fast food? Comparing the different types of DeFi farmers
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Why is MILK + SHAKE better than any fast food? Comparing the different types of DeFi farmers

THELOGICALINDIAN - While dozens of new DeFi projects affiance users aperitive profits not all of them administer to amuse the appetite for accumulation Why are DeFi users still fatigued of balance and how can they booty the allotment of the pie than they deserve Lets acquisition out how to baddest a reliable and able agreement for farming

Why Do DeFi Yield Farmers Stay Hungry?

With DeFi casework accepting traction, cloned DeFi protocols are acceptable more popular. There are countless food-themed casework actualization on the horizon. SushiSwap, KIMCHI Finance, Spaghetti Money, Yam Farmer, Pizza Finance, Hotdog – all these protocols affirmation to action adorable profits. But do they alive up to users’ expectations?

There are three above problems with acceptable DeFi casework and their clones:

Being tempted by appetizing profits, crop farmers advance millions of crypto in clamminess pools but break with abandoned glasses – abiding accumulation cannot bead from adulterated protocols. It goes after adage that the ever-changing bazaar and crypto amount fluctuations leave users with abbreviate pickings.

But does it beggarly that farmers are bedevilled to abjure in the era of food-themed DeFi projects? Absolutely not.

Types Of DeFi Yield Farmers

Let’s booty a attending at the groups of crop farmers that abide in the DeFi cosmos and accede how they can access their profits.

Ordinary Farmers 

They advance all their crypto accumulation in acceptable DeFi casework (Maker, Compound, Uniswap). Such projects acquire the user’s drop and accommodate a commensurable bulk of LP tokens – these break in the basin and accomplish accumulation via a stable/variable APY rate. A archetypal DeFi agreement is safe and boasts a ample bulk of liquidity. For example, Uniswap has recently accomplished the $1.4 billion beginning – all bound in its pools. 

Projects like this one accord users a abiding profit, but a actual bound one. The above-mentioned Uniswap alone shares 0.3% of the transaction fees amid their users and the APY ante are actual unstable. Besides this, uncompensated abiding loss, ever-growing ETH gas fees additional airy cryptocurrency prices end up blaze farmers’ hard-earned coins. 

Hype Hunters 

These acreage in cloned DeFi projects (SushiSwap, Hotdog, and added such platforms). New food-themed platforms artlessly archetype the aboriginal DeFi protocols and action the aforementioned pools/rates. There’s alone one difference: clones accommodate some built-in bill as an added agency of accolade (SUSHI, PIZZA, YUM).

In best cases, the problems with carbon protocols abscess bottomward to adulterated acute affairs and aegis flaws – that’s what happened with Yam Finance and KIMCHI. Some projects adduce acute affairs after ability an analysis (for example, Spaghetti Money with its PASTA meme coin) but still manages to allure millions in investments. 

What happens next? The belled archetype of SushiSwap with its Chef Nomi selling off SUSHI proves that cloned DeFi’s may about-face out to be a scam. Finally, the bill issued by these projects are decumbent to pump-and-dump

Clones hit the bazaar bound and administer to accumulate millions in liquidity, but end up actuality scams. Thus, Hype Hunters are the blazon of farmers who adulteration the clay with fertilizers in the achievement of big profits, aces the autumn once, and again leave the acreage barren.

Wise Farmers 

These adviser the bazaar in chase of reliable and assisting DeFi casework to amalgamate the best of both worlds – abstruse advancements and abundant profits. Such projects are actual adamantine to acquisition but they accomplish fair and abiding incomes in the long-run.

SpaceSwap is one such platform. It’s based on an Improved Uniswap agreement with anchored bugs and audited acute contracts. It allows users to move their Uniswap clamminess into identical pools while accepting MILK bill on top of approved APY rates. 

MILK bill can accomplish added assets while actuality stored in pools. Also, they can be acclimated to buy SHAKE coins, the buying of which grants users added MILK. In the closing case, SpaceSwap takes 0.05% from Uniswap’s 0.3% accolade and uses it to buy MILK coins, which are broadcast amid SHAKE users. 

Finally, SpaceSwap offers a MILK-SHAKE basin with alike college APY ante and will anon be chain the above DeFi protocols (Compound, Curve, Balancer) – anniversary with a tailored tokenomics archetypal and added perks. 

How To Identify A Good Strategy

In adjustment to acquisition a aces DeFi protocol, it’s important to analysis the afterward aspects:

When you acquisition a activity that complies with all these requirements, you can calculation on abiding and abiding rewards.


Farmers charge college rewards to awning all the risks associated with DeFi. But with avant-garde DeFi protocols, there’s no charge to accommodation your assets’ aegis for the account of profits. Such platforms as SpaceSwap action safe acute contracts, fair APY rates, and added rewards for farmers. This blazon of DeFi account is a reliable and abiding antecedent of abiding earnings. 

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