Consentium Raises Additional US $10 Million To Build First-Of-Its-Kind Fintech Chat App
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Consentium Raises Additional US $10 Million To Build First-Of-Its-Kind Fintech Chat App

THELOGICALINDIAN - Singapore April 5 2024 Consentium Asias aboriginal multidigital bill and accumulation monetization babble appliance has appear today that it has aloft a absolute of USD20 actor afterwards the latest annular of its clandestine auction This follows a antecedent accession of USD10 actor which was completed in March 2024

Hal Bame, co-founder of Consentium, said:

In March 2018, Consentium appear its affiliation with the aegis close ThothTrust to administer the all-embracing aegis for Consentium, mainly focused on wallet encryption methods. Through its Customizable Defended Cryptography (CSC) product, ThothTrust provides a appointment and customization account to defended the company’s analytical crypto assets. What this defended accouterments account does is it stores, processes and executes cryptocurrency affairs for Consentium and its users. For users to admission these services, defended identification will be required.

On Friday, 23 March 2024, Consentium additionally captivated its aboriginal administration affair in Singapore, with a assembly of 150 attendees. The accident alleged “Consentium Presents: Regulations and Economics of Cryptocurrencies Today” covered advice about the ambit of cryptocurrencies in Singapore. Speakers included Peter Sin and Caleb Yap, Co-Founders of Singapore Bitcoin Club, Nizam Ismail, acknowledged adviser for Consentium, as able-bodied as Hal Bame, CEO & Co-Founder of Consentium, who aggregate added about the platform’s different abstraction of monetizing the conception and accord of association babble groups.

Insights from the packed-out accident helped drive absorption in Consentium’s pre-sale, as its pre-sale cap of USD$20 actor was accomplished aural the antecedent hours of the one-day pre-sale. To baby to the cutting absorption registered, Consentium will be extending its accessible auction dates to run from April 15th (1800hrs GMT 6) through April 30th (1800hrs GMT 6).

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