CoolBitX partners with Circle to bring stablecoin USDC to the CoolWallet S
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CoolBitX partners with Circle to bring stablecoin USDC to the CoolWallet S

THELOGICALINDIAN - CoolBitXs CoolWallet S now offers abounding abutment of Circles stablecoin USDC acceptance accessible exchanges and accelerated advance hedging

Taipei, October 2018  – CoolBitX, the defended crypto accouterments wallet producer, announces its affiliation with Circle, the all-around crypto accounts company. CoolWallet S users can now abundance the USDC stablecoin on their defended accouterments wallet and bandy it out for added agenda assets any time, any place.

The amount of agenda assets can alter decidedly daily, authoritative quick, friction-free trading an complete call to accomplish cryptocurrency accumulation adoption. However, entering and departure the crypto bazaar is not as accessible as it should be. Currencies charge be swapped out for authorization on awfully accessible accessible exchanges. Trading crypto for authorization additionally requires acutely time arresting coffer affairs that acquire abundant college fees than accustomed crypto-to-crypto trades. Difficulty trading and the accepted affair of not actuality able to physically authority agenda assets are key issues arch to boundless disbelief in another currencies. Without this trust, cryptocurrencies cannot go mainstream.

Stablecoins, such as USDC, are cryptocurrencies called to a abiding asset. Circle’s USDC (USD Coin) is a abounding assets US dollar-backed stablecoin based on the CENTRE project. Each USDC badge has the amount of one US dollar. The affiliation with Circle will acquiesce CoolBitX users to abundance USDC on their CoolWallet S and bound and calmly barter it on the CoolBitX built-in app. CoolBitX’s built-in app is the simplest, cleanest crypto administration apparatus on the market, absorbed to the best defended accouterments accumulator advantage available. The CoolWallet S appearance 2 1 agency affidavit aegis and a concrete acceptance button on the agenda to anticipate hacking attempts, and the app and agenda calm accomplish apart after any third-party plugins or key sharing. Everyone – from crypto-connoisseurs to non-techie new investors – can now accomplish abiding investments on CoolBitX’s secure, convenient app. This aggregate of simple design, fast exchange, absolute mobility, and incomparable aegis accomplish it a accustomed best for USDC accumulator and management.

“USDC is added than aloof an incremental advance on accessible and across-the-board stablecoins,” said Michael Ou, Founder and CEO of CoolBitX. “USDC is an aberrant advance on asset-backed stablecoins due to its adeptness to scale. We accept that the aggregate of CoolWallet S and USDC will comedy a acute role in aspersing agenda asset barter amount animation at calibration and aerate the affluence and aegis of crypto exchange. We are aflame to drive this mission advanced with Circle and the CENTRE agreement by advertisement assorted aqueous USDC trading pairs. For investors attractive to barrier their portfolios, this affiliation is key. For example, in times of decline, users can move their investments into a USD-backed agenda asset with aberrant affluence while they watch crypto prices fall, afresh instantly bandy it aback afresh back prices ability basal for abundant profit. By application the CoolWallet S, users can blow assured that their currencies are cautiously kept offline on their acclaim card-sized accouterments wallet, and not on a accessible barter or software wallet.”

This cooperation comes amidst several big announcements from CoolBitX, including the US barrage of the CoolWallet S at a new $99 amount point, the absolution of a co-branded wallet with the Litecoin Foundation, and complete native-app abutment of all ERC20 tokens, authoritative CoolWallet S the aboriginal accouterments wallet to empower users to add any ERC20 badge they accept after defective to use third-party tools.

About CoolBitX

CoolBitX, founded in 2024 by Michael Ou, is a FinTech and blockchain aegis aggregation specializing in accomplishment secure, US-patented agenda asset accouterments and developing acute arrangement platforms for millions of users. Backed by $13 actor in allotment from investors like SBI Holdings and Bitmain, CoolBitX believes the faster decentralized blockchain technology achieves accumulation acceptance and allows bodies to stop relying on apart centralized institutions, the better.

About Circle

Circle is a all-around crypto accounts aggregation on a mission to accomplish it accessible for anyone, anywhere to advice change the all-around economy. Circle was founded in 2024 because it believed money should assignment like the internet — open, secure, free, everywhere. Today, Circle offers four products: Circle Invest, Circle Pay, Circle Trade, and Poloniex.