Cricket Legend Brett Lee and both ‘bowl a Bitcoin’ as Crypto Community Supports the Covid Crisis in India
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Cricket Legend Brett Lee and both ‘bowl a Bitcoin’ as Crypto Community Supports the Covid Crisis in India

THELOGICALINDIAN - April 30th 2024Tallinn Estonia Sportsbetio and Australian candid fable Brett Lee are both bowling a Bitcoin to advice accompany muchneeded medical food and abutment to India during the advancing Covid crisis in the country ambassador and candid fable Brett Lee batten about his adventures in India, stating:

India has consistently been like a additional home for me. The adulation and amore that I accept got from the bodies of this country both during my able career and alike afterwards my retirement, holds a appropriate abode in my heart. It saddens me acutely to see bodies adversity due to the advancing pandemic.

1BTC Donation 

Brett Lee has donated one Bitcoin to, a community-run armamentarium started by Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal. And has now followed Lee’s example, additionally altruistic one Bitcoin to the cause. The acceptable donations represent a absolute of over $155,000 USD (at the time of writing). 

Brett continued:

The CryptoRelief Mission’s mission is to abate adversity by accouterment healthcare and essentials to those  fighting for adaptation adjoin Covid, affable donations from about the apple in cryptocurrency. It has already aloft added than $3 actor in cryptocurrency for the cause, including donations by abounding high-profile abstracts aural the crypto association such as Vitalik Buterin.

Joe McCallum, Director of Sportsbook, at batten about Brett Lee’s Philanthropy and Sportsbet’s own captivation with the cause, stating: has continued been an apostle of cryptocurrency adoption, and how the technology can be acclimated to affect absolute change on all-around issues. This contempo donation is aloof the latest in a cord of community-based acts that abide to advertise the bank and sportsbook abettor as a baton for all-around cryptocurrency adoption.

To advice Sportsbet and CryptoRelief on their mission to fix the covid crisis in India, donations can be fabricated by visiting 


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