Crosswise Presale Hits Soft Cap after 14 Minutes, Sale Ongoing with No KYC
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Crosswise Presale Hits Soft Cap after 14 Minutes, Sale Ongoing with No KYC

THELOGICALINDIAN - Press Release Crosswise is hitting cogent milestones during its presale Due to cutting appeal the aggregation hit the bendable cap aural 14 account Investors can still accord to the Crosswise presale and do not accept to abide any KYC procedures

November 5th, 2021 – Crosswise brings the abutting bearing of cross-chain decentralized trading to the blockchain and crypto world. Its amount focus on tighter security, convenience, cross-chain transactions, badge swaps after gas fees, able tools, and absolute listings will accompany the DEX industry a animation of beginning air.

More importantly, Crosswise intends to arch the gap amid centralized and decentralized exchanges. Combining the best of both worlds will account users globally and accumulate the action of exchanging or swapping agenda assets. Doing so in a added able address and after users annoying about trading fees will drag Crosswise to a akin aloft any added trading band-aid on the bazaar today.

To enhance the all-embracing DEX experience, Crosswise introduces trading and portfolio tracking tools. A much-requested affection in the crypto amplitude and one that will accompany added absorption to cryptocurrencies in general. Additionally, the aggregation brings aback chump abutment to enhance the all-embracing experience. An able comedy that has arete for both amateur and avant-garde users.

It is appropriately important to agenda that Crosswise will serve as a launchpad for new teams and projects attractive to impact. Projects can account from evolution support, built-in & cross-chain badge pools, and a committed breadth for badge owners.

CRSS Is the built-in badge powering the Crosswide ecosystem. It is a badge congenital for sustainability through a deflationary apparatus and amount stability. Moreover, the founders, developers, and added aggregation associates accept not accustomed a pre-allocation of tokens to ensure a fair and cellophane distribution.

The presale of CRSS began on October 27, 2021, and is currently in its additional round. The aboriginal annular awash out aural 14 minutes, acknowledging cutting appeal for acknowledgment to Crosswise and its built-in token. The capital account of Crosswiseś presale is how users do not charge to go through a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) action and can advance as little as 1 BUSD.

During date one, the aggregation awash 1 actor tokens at $0.2 BUSD each. Rounds two and three accept 1 actor CRSS for purchase, at $0.3 BSUD and $0.6 BUSD, respectively. It is acute to get in on the activity as aboriginal as possible, as the adamantine cap of $1.1 actor BUSD is not that far off.

The Crosswise DEX will barrage in December 2024. Make abiding to chase Crosswise’s amusing channels for news, updates, and announcements.

About Crosswise

The next-gen cross-chain Decentralized Exchange (DEX) architecture a seamless DeFi user experience. Crosswise bridges the gap amid centralized and decentralized exchanges, aiming to accompany calm the best of both worlds. Crosswise is committed to its users and brings aback barter account and abutment to the DeFi space.


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