Crypto Community Leader and FinTech Authority Samson Lee Joins Advisory Board of the World’s First Blockchain-Based Streaming Platform Play2Live
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Crypto Community Leader and FinTech Authority Samson Lee Joins Advisory Board of the World’s First Blockchain-Based Streaming Platform Play2Live

THELOGICALINDIAN - Play2Live P2L the aboriginal decentralized alive belvedere for gamers and esports admirers has appear the abutting of Samson Lee the awful accomplished crypto broker lath adviser and chief controlling in agenda media and FinTech in China and APAC to its advising board

Samson (Sam) Lee is a consecutive tech-entrepreneur with over 20 years of acquaintance in AI, blockchain, cryptocurrency and crypto asset, badge sale/ICO, agenda entertainment, new media, amusing media, mobile/e-commerce, IoT and acute customer devices. He has accurate clue annal creating, investing, incubating, operating, and capitalizing acknowledged e-ventures in APAC regions. Currently, Samson is architect and CEO of CoinStreet, Asia President of Next.TV Inc., Founding Executive Chairman of China Greater Bay Area TechFin Association, Co-founder The Blockchain Centre of Hong Kong, Chief Crypto-economic Adviser of Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange, lath adviser of and Chairman of STM Agenda Group.

Alexey Burdyko, CEO and Founder at Play2Live, comments:

The amount action of the P2L belvedere is a alive service, featuring video advertisement of gaming and esports content. Blockchain technology will acquiesce P2L to acquaint a different admixture of alternate appearance and monetizing tools, currently bare on absolute alive platforms. The band-aid changes the rules of the bold in the industry, giving monetization opportunities to all participants, including viewers. Essentially, everybody can be allotment of the peer-to-peer interaction, and everybody — alike the eyewitness — is able to acquire money.

“Current esports industry is actual centralized. By bringing blockchain into esports, Play2Live has revolutionized the industry by architecture a decentralized eco-system, acceptance altered stakeholders such as esports organizers, players, sponsors and bold developers to collaborate with anniversary other.” said Samson Lee, Founder and CEO of CoinStreet. “In addition, by introducing esports badge to the ecosystem, they are creating new badge economics which can facilitate seamless trading of agenda assets and actualize new means to incentivize altered stakeholders in the ecosystem. I accept this will accompany actual agitative change to the industry in a absolute way.”

Founded in 2017, Play2Live aims to absorb blockchain technology with alive services. P2L will accept 15 sources of revenue, which is three times added compared to the alive industry leaders. Streamers will be able to monetize their agreeable in 11 means against 4-5 accessible on absolute platforms. They can acquire from the aboriginal stream, behindhand of their admirers size, as able-bodied as addition their admirers via alternate tasks during the streams, action service, added babble communication, and added agreeable activities! Viewers will accept 5 monetization accoutrement – compared to aught abroad in the alive industry. They can acquire by watching adverts, assuming tasks set by streamers, voting for content, administration their internet bandwidth via peer-to-peer CDN.

Play2Live uses a badge alleged Level Up Coin (LUC) which acts as a sole centralized beggarly of acquittal aural the system. It can be calmly adapted to added cryptocurrencies or to authorization money through a appropriate barter service/API. Play2Live token-sale ends on March 14th at 17:00 UTC.

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