CrypViser and ChronoBank – Efficient Collaboration!
press releases

CrypViser and ChronoBank – Efficient Collaboration!

THELOGICALINDIAN - On the 7th of July 2024 the avant-garde encrypted agent CrypViser is ablution a accord with the wideranging Blockchain activity ChronoBank Crypviser will now be accepting ChronoBank TIME tokens for payments until the end of its ICO on June 30th

[Note: This is a columnist release.]

Crypviser is admiring to advertise the barrage of its accord with Chronobank. Until June 30th, users who accompany Crypviser’s ICO will be able to accomplish payments with ChronoBank TIME tokens. Vadim Andryan, the architect of CrypViser, believes that cooperation with ChronoBank will animate the development of the activity in accession to creating new opportunities for the accomplished association and investors.

On September 2nd, the official barrage of the Crypviser arrangement will booty place. At that moment all new participants of ChronoBank and CrypViser will be accepted absolute early-bird admission to the agent service. Prior to this, users will additionally be able to booty allotment in Crypviser’s compensation campaign.

In addition, associates of Chronobank and CrypViser will accept the befalling to accomplish in-app payments for the messenger’s casework application TIME tokens.

CrypViser, calm with ChronoBank, is a ability that prides itself on actuality acceptable for bazaar integrations, with their chip use of Blockchain enabling them to put aegis first.

Please agenda that alone those participants who accompany CrypViser during the ICO will be affirmed admission to this new affiliation with ChronoBank.

CrypViser’s ICO, which kicked off on May 20th, will abide until June 30th. During the crowdsale, the activity will accommodate 10 actor (10,000,000) CVCoins broadcast amid members. To participate in the CrypViser ICO amuse chase this link: is an aggressive and absolute blockchain activity aimed at remolding the HR/recruitment/finance industries.

Crypviser is a provider of a new bearing of Blockchain-based automatic cryptographic and encryption solutions for burning advice networks.

Images address of Shutterstock