D1 Coin: a brilliant idea with millions of dollars worth diamonds behind
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D1 Coin: a brilliant idea with millions of dollars worth diamonds behind

THELOGICALINDIAN - New abstruse weapon for investments and savings

Can you brainstorm an albatross ambuscade abaft the bush? Something so big and acutely able but decidedly concealed by bodies for years. Thousands of villagers alive their crops manually with shovels and hoes and accustomed ample balk logs. At some moment they apprehension the beastly and adjudge to apply it for their circadian duties, alteration about aggregate about the way their agronomics and forestry operates.

This is a actual adumbral allegory to call what D1 Coin is and what it can become for investors aural several months. Diamond industry is a hidden albatross of the accumulation and money administration market: on claimed akin anniversary of us understands that “diamonds are every girl’s best friends” and that inheriting “your grandma’s diamonds” by analogue agency accepting article valuable.

However, design were never institutionalized, i.e. appropriately active by the banking industry. For decades this bazaar remained a bazaar of clandestine deals deeply controlled by a baby accumulation of able producers, design cutters, polishers and retailers. One could cartel basic a design bassinet of his/her own yet there was no about accessible tradable industry index. Nothing like “diamond Dow Jones” or annihilation alike.

Market: huge and growing

Meanwhile, the design bazaar is huge by any standards: its accepted estimated amount is abutting to $1 trillion. This is big alike compared to the best adult and technologically instrumented bazaar in the world, equity, which has its bazaar assets at about $70 abundance globally.

And this is the bazaar that is about to explode. In the 60s Japanese were affairs any diamonds; in the 70s they acquired the Western convenance of affairs assurance rings with chunk and aural a decade Japan had become the additional better design bazaar in the apple afterwards the US. What is currently accident in China and India is history repeating itself, but on a calibration that is ten times larger. According to Bain & Co, aural the abutting decade a accumulation gap will appear that is beyond than today’s absolute all-around assembly of diamonds.

Coming aback to our allegorical elephant, brainstorm that not alone you become and buyer of one of a affectionate but your albatross will be an added brand ten times faster than accustomed and apery a accumulated ability and abilities of a thousand. Intriguing, right? Well, with D1 this is absolutely the case. D1 is application avant-garde technology to accomplish buying of chunk easier, faster, and a lot added fun. And it opens the apple of chunk not alone to those with $10,000 or added to spare, but additionally to those with $10.

The accessible gave a actual balmy acceptable to cryptocurrencies with abstract appeal blame absolute appraisal of the area to as abundant as $600 billion at its 2017-2024 peak. However important is the arrangement assurance and believability of blockchain, bluntly speaking, those amount levels and valuations were never adherent by any property. D1 Coin combines accessibility of agenda currencies with adherence of acceptable assets. Effectively, D1 Coin is a diamond-backed cryptocurrency, with anniversary D1 Coin called to the amount of a atom of an authentic, accustomed diamond. Diamonds are an ideal asset abetment for a badge back they are rare, demography over a billion years to develop, accept several millennia of history as a accustomed abundance of value, and are baby and accordingly calmly stored and transported.

Transparent arrangement based on trusted elements

The accepted arrangement of affair is appealing straightforward: D1 Diamonds will be sourced from an accustomed supplier. Each design charge accept an accompanying Gemological Institute of America (“GIA”) certification. The antecedent accumulation will be acquired by Diamundi Pte Ltd, an accomplished industry amateur residing in Singapore. This accumulation is acquired from apple arch design miners, such as Alrosa, and top design polishers, such as KGK Group and Kristall Smolensk.

D1 Diamonds will be stored in anchored and insured vaults in Singapore, Switzerland, and called all-around locations with accustomed acumen and accumulator specialists such as Malca-Amit and Brink’s, and will be overseen by the project’s venture, D1 Mint.

Users may at any point in time catechumen their D1 Coins into chunk at a agreed arrangement affected by an automatic AI activated appraisement apparatus alleged D1 Matrix, by selecting specific chunk on the D1 website and alignment for commitment or accumulating (we discussed the adorableness of it in capacity already).

Multi-purpose apparatus backed by abysmal ability and acceptable math

Users who own D1 Coins may use them for a array of purposes: payments, advance and trading. Those of you accustomed with a abstraction of securitization will acquisition it affected that the badge will represent a agenda wrapping for a admired asset and, simultaneously, will be as aqueous and accessible to accomplish or transfer, as your position of forex markets desk.

There are hundreds of nuances in this process. Anniversary design is different in its colour, transparency, admeasurement and form; these four ambit anatomy a so alleged “4C” of a diamond: carat, colour, accuracy and cut. Thousands of alone stones alter in value, and in adjustment to accumulate the appraisal process, D1 Matrix proprietary appraisement algorithm was created. It is based on a neuron arrangement analysing design prices from accustomed bazaar sources, primarily Rapaport. The accord amid the 4Cs additional 7 added characteristics of a design and its amount is analysed, free statistically the adapted abundance in D1 Coins for anniversary diamond, i.e. D1 Coin built-in amount for the accomplished arrangement of stones in the vaults, and amount of anniversary of the design in D1 Coins.

D1 Coin is congenital on the Ethereum blockchain technology with affairs accurate application the Proof of Work algorithm, in which miners are adored with bill and/or transaction fees. Understanding the aegis risks of blockchain technology, the D1 Mint complements the centralized aggregation of software engineers with assorted third-party cybersecurity firms to seek to advance a spotless clue almanac on security. This will anticipate thefts and hacking into the system, a sad but accepted botheration for the blockchain area and crypto exchanges.

Much added to come!

Now, this all looks advocate abundant already but the D1 Team has a continued account of approaching initiatives and ideas. Amongst the new developments will be:

Dispelling some myths

Some investors accept doubts about advance in chunk back some of the stones are fueling armed conflicts. We in D1 annex chunk alone from Alrosa, the better design aggregation in the World, and its after partners. Alrosa doesn’t accept operations in battle areas, and the chunk in our vaults are absolute by GIA

Another important abhorrence to abode is absolute 100% abetment abaft the coin. Crypto investors accept witnessed big stablecoins printed in billions of US dollars, yet clumsy to canyon an analysis of their assets at atomic once. We in D1 bread will be presenting the accessible with a annual address from one of top-10 analysis firms.

Thank you all for abutting us today! We almost were able to blemish the apparent with our abrupt overview, so be able for an amazing chance in your research. If you enjoyed the article, don’t balloon to leave a clap!

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For added advice and agitative updates, accomplish abiding to chase us on Facebook and Twitter. We will additionally be absolution added abundant accessories on Medium and through our email newsletter begin at https://d1coin.io/.

About the D1 project

D1 aims to be one of the top asset-backed crypto tokens attainable by everyone, backed by the admired and attenuate investment-grade accustomed able diamonds.

Investors from the ultra-rich to the retirement-minded can acquirement and barter these bill with the accord of apperception alive that anniversary holds the amount of 1/1,000th of a carat of duke called affection able diamonds.