DropDeck.io – The Future of Funding is AI-driven, Decentralized, and Incentivized
press releases

DropDeck.io – The Future of Funding is AI-driven, Decentralized, and Incentivized

THELOGICALINDIAN - More and added companies are active ICOs mostly operating across Doing due activity and acceptance sources can be arduous Some platforms amount and rank ICOs but how the ratings are fabricated what they are based on and by whom are generally a atramentous box DropDeck seeks to fix this problem

[This is a columnist release.]

“Everyone wants to armamentarium able companies. DropDeck wants to abolish the barriers that accumulate boilerplate funders abroad from the greatest opportunities,” says the CEO Alon Vo. “There are a lot of absolute platforms for you to do that, but we appetite to body your admired one. DropDeck is the one-stop boutique that changes the way bodies armamentarium companies worldwide.”

DropDeck prioritizes admittance and decentralizes the allotment action to the extreme. Anyone can participate in funding, analytic for able companies, evaluating people, assuming due diligence, and administration repayment. A.I. algorithms are activated to amount and rank all participants. The accord apparatus makes abiding alone the best assuming ones are acceptable for accord and reward. Token rewards and smart contracts incentivize all participants to do their best to armamentarium companies and accolade funders. In the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE competition, DropDeck becoming acceptance and abutment from world-class AI experts and fabricated findings in complementing AI applications with blockchain features.

The bazaar for allotment ICOs, startups, and SMEs is over $300 billion. As basic flows into the DropDeck economy, the badge amount will access exponentially. Up to bisected of the acquirement in tokens will be burned, accretion the badge amount by annihilative the absolute supply. Also the aggregation and admiral accept been alive with 15 exchanges to agreement badge liquidity.

After abundant interest, DropDeck bound awash out the clandestine sales with no marketing, adopting 3,300 ETH.

To participate in the Whitelist Presale and Crowdsale, supporters are appropriate to annals by November 20th (13:00 UTC) at https://DropDeck.io/whitelist.

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Official links:
– Official Website: https://DropDeck.io
– Official Whitelist: https://DropDeck.io/whitelist
– Official Blog: https://medium.com/dropdeck
– Official Telegram Channel: https://t.me/dropdeck
– Official Telegram Supergroup: https://t.me/joinchat/FkbmT0JJD2sOsL79fiAlQg
– Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/dropdeckio
– Official Facebook: https://facebook.com/dropdeck
– Official Bitcointalk ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2255643
– Official Bounty campaign: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2275147
– Official Discord: https://discord.gg/XDc785E
– Official Kakaotalk: https://open.kakao.com/o/gChBCmC

White Papers
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NAME: Alon Vo
EMAIL: [email protected] / [email protected]
Telegram: alonmust

Images address of DropDeck.