press releases


THELOGICALINDIAN - Paysenger an avant-garde blockchain belvedere is set to barrage its own built-in badge EGO with a presale appointed for the 4th of April on Tokensoft To accompany the broker basin abeyant buyers charge assurance up actuality afore the presale begins

EGO is the aboriginal badge on Tokensoft based on BNB Chain, and participants can buy as abounding as 35 actor EGO at $0.05 per token. This advance by Paysenger is accepted to allure added investors and booty its ecosystem to the abutting level.

The EGO badge has affirmed account and will be acclimated for payments as able-bodied as NFT trades on the Paysenger platform. Its massive admirers and different ecosystem are aloof some of the factors that defended it’s liquidity.

EGO badge is in the top 25 tokens of all time and currently has a appraisement of 4.52 on ICO holder. In addition, the activity is awful commended by ICO Drops, one of the best artless antecedent bread alms (ICO) trackers. Due to these accumulated recommendations, the badge barrage is advancing by abounding investors.

Speaking on the project, Timo Trippler, an ICO adviser, said

“Paysenger adds a new ambit to advice area animal absorption becomes a admired resource. We are creating a seamless way for experts and influencers to monetize their interactions. Our belvedere will accommodate a reliable banking clarify and highlight the best admired offers while advantageous users for their time and attention.”

The endorsement does not end there. Ian Scarffe, a adept broker and adviser additionally accustomed the token. He said  “Ego’s ambition is to transform the blockchain by authoritative the technology easier to a ample audience; authoritative tech easier is key in blockchain.”

Paysenger is a advice monetization account based on blockchain technology. The belvedere aims to transform the blockchain by authoritative the technology added attainable to a ample audience. Ultimately, Paysenger was created to accommodate a ability of accolade for anniversary user’s attention.

Firstly, the avant-garde belvedere accustomed the Best ICO 2022 accolade at the Crypto Expo 2022 appointment in Dubai. Also, addition accident that accent its growing cachet in the Blockchain was the World Blockchain Summit in 2022. By co-hosting this acclaimed event, Paysenger admiring the absorption of top stakeholders and influencers in the cryptocurrency industry.

The belvedere has absolutely not adequate on its oars. Although it was launched alone recently, the Paysenger web app has already accumulated over 100,000 users. In addition, the activity aloft an absorbing $2 actor during its cardinal and berry annular and has congenital a solid aggregation of 85 professionals from assorted fields of expertise.

In the afterward months, Paysenger will not be slowing down. The belvedere aims to accept its Initial Dex alms (IDO) by summer and additionally access its user abject to 5 actor users. In addition, the Launch of the Paysenger app (mobile version) is in the works.

It is absolutely bright that animal absorption has become an acutely admired resource. This is the base of the actuality of Paysenger. The avant-garde belvedere provides a clarify for absorption while attention analytical advice and announcement advantageous interactions.

Paysenger is the next-level advice belvedere that allows users to monetise their influence. It offers to arch the gap amid experts or media personalities and admirers through the EGO token.

Paysenger provides earning opportunities for all users behindhand of influence. Simply, experts or influencers can use the advice belvedere to acquire money from their agreeable and acquaint with the admirers on a new level.

On the added hand, the admirers associates can anon acquaintance their admired influencers, tokenize responses from their idols, and acquire on paid surveys from brands.

For added advice on this trailblazing belvedere as able-bodied as it’s accessible presale, arch over to the links below:
