EMCD Pool Straightens Positions While Other Major Players Suffer from Drastic Hashrate Drop
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EMCD Pool Straightens Positions While Other Major Players Suffer from Drastic Hashrate Drop

THELOGICALINDIAN - EMCD a crypto mining casework provider and one of the better basin operators has finer resisted todays massive disruptions acquired by the DNS issues that best competitors faced Thanks to the wiselyarchitectured basement the EMCD basin has apparent no blow while some added mining giants were investigating affiliation failures and are still troubleshooting the issues

On November 26, 2021, massive affiliation errors occurred to arch mining pools, including Poolin, f2pool, Binance Pool, viaBTC and others, consistent in the miners’ disability to admission the platforms worldwide. Affiliation issues were acquired by aliment on Alibaba Cloud, a arch Chinese DNS provider. As a aftereffect of this, mining pools that were application AliDNS billow basement suffered from a desperate hashrate drop and the disability to accommodate their users with account uptime.

EMCD has becoming acceptance in the mining basin industry due to its constant uptime and aerial affection of casework for its audience common back 2017. Being at the beginning of the crypto mining ecosystem, EMCD has absitively to abutment the miners that suffered from the connectivity issues with a three months 30% agency abatement by entering “EMCDworks” promo cipher back signing up. With that discount, end-users will account from a 1.05% agency rate.

Mikhael Jerlis, CEO and Founder of EMCD, has emphasized the important role of basement in the crypto sphere:

“The infrastructure, whether it’s a billow band-aid or a custom-built service, is an capital colonnade that the absolute apple is congenital on. Our capital antecedence is to accommodate our barter with a bland and reliable experience, as every minute of blow may advance to banking losses. Additionally, as a mining pool, we consistently strive to accord to the blockchains themselves, as miners accumulate the networks in their advantageous conditions.”

EMCD currently supports the mining of seven cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, ETC, and alloyed mining of DOGE and LTC. Users can account from low commissions, as able-bodied as no access threshold, which makes mining attainable to anyone behindhand of the accouterments actuality used. The 24/7 alive abstruse abutment is additionally accessible with one click.

EMCD is a crypto mining ecosystem alms a advanced ambit of casework from mining pools and software engineering to the deployment of mining accessories and turn-key maintenance. The aggregation operates its own mining basement with all-encompassing mining accessories aliment services. Additionally, EMCD offers bland and cellophane advance affairs with a pay-back aeon of 9 months. Apart from this, EMCD offers Coinhold – an advance apparatus advised to access broker capital. Currently, Coinhold has a 4.2% APY.