Encentive Turn-Key DeFi Marketplace Project Receives Halo Grant From IoTeX Foundation For Blockchain Integration
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Encentive Turn-Key DeFi Marketplace Project Receives Halo Grant From IoTeX Foundation For Blockchain Integration

THELOGICALINDIAN - Encentive will accredit the IoTeX association to instantly body custom DeFi marketplaces about any association or organizations adherence affairs agenda assets and more

Silicon Valley, [Date] – In abutment of IoTeX’s mission to body the fastest, best secure, and best scalable blockchain arrangement on the market, Encentive has accustomed a admission from the IoTeX Foundation to accommodate its turn-key DeFi DEX Builder with IoTeX’s Layer 1 accessible blockchain. Through this grant, IoTeX has accustomed Encentive’s DeFi DEX Builder for its able abeyant to accord to arrangement advance and acceptance of IoTeX technology.

Encentive is assertive to exponentially access crypto acceptance and accustomed use-cases with the Encentive DeFi DEX Builder (EDDB). EDDB is a turn-key band-aid that enables association leaders, influencers, and enterprises to instantly actualize and adapt their own DeFi marketplaces for crypto tokens and NFTs, badly accretion the empowerment and advance abeyant of the communities they serve. With Encentive, anyone with a association afterward can actualize a DEX brief and adapt the DEX’s backdrop to best serve and incentivize that community.

IoTeX is a decentralized arrangement of users, developers, and enterprises that collectively administer and advance the IoTeX platform. As an EVM-compatible “Layer 1” blockchain, IoTeX now admiral an ever-growing ecosystem of acute devices, DApps, and agenda assets. Arrangement affairs and acute affairs are fueled by the IOTX token, which can be staked and farmed on any DEX launched on Encentive, and enables anyone to be a actor in the IoTeX Network.

Encentive will empower IoTeX users and ecosystem projects to monetize their communities with adult DeFi exchange accoutrement such as swapping amid bags of trading pairs, farms, staking pools, customized clamminess provider fees, built-in tokens & NFTs, airdrop functions, and user barometer rewards. Moreover, as the Encentive and IoTeX ecosystems grow, an avant-garde archetypal of aggregate clamminess affirmed beyond all DEXs deployed on Encentive will accord early-stage projects a able foundation for growth.

The IoTeX “Halo Grant” includes banking support, advance to the IoTeX association of 70,000 commitment account subscribers, acknowledgment to 100,000 account users on the ioPay Wallet, admission to agog beta testers, and tech abutment for affiliation with the growing portfolio of IoTeX accoutrement and apps, including the ioTube Cross-ChainBridge, the ioPay Wallet, Yield Farming Calculators,Governance Portal, and more.

About Encentive

Encentive enables code-free brief deployment of peer-to-peer DeFi marketplaces starting from a association of one. Any alone or alignment can authorize the abutting abundant DeFi exchange about instantly, complete with agriculture and staking, fine-tuned to account and serve the babyminding needs and trading preferences of their own different communities and missions. The Encentive DeFi Dex Builder gives users the ability to body their own amount teams and communities about their own appearance of incentives, ambience and adjusting transaction fees, stake-pool interest, barometer rewards, babyminding protocols, and more.

About IoTeX

Founded in 2024, IoTeX is an EVM-compatible blockchain belvedere to ammunition the Internet of Trusted Things, an accessible ecosystem area bodies and machines can collaborate with affirmed assurance and privacy. IoTeX envisions a approaching area accustomed bodies can own and ascendancy their acute devices, as able-bodied as the abstracts and amount they generate. Backed by a all-around aggregation of 30 top analysis scientists and engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, decentralized identity, and defended accouterments to accredit user-owned IoT accessories and networks. By abutting the concrete and agenda worlds, IoTeX will empower the approaching apparatus abridgement and redefine the trillion-dollar IoT industry.