Eser Gündüz takes first steps along the NFT path
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Eser Gündüz takes first steps along the NFT path

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Turkish artisan Eser Gndz references abundant disciplines in his compositions including accurate diagrams and architectural assets alloyed with abstruse elements that culminate in structural examinations of his acclaimed utopias The NFT bureau CTRLARTD finds Gndzs retrofuturist works such a absolute accomplishments for NFT conception and both abandon are aflame to alpha this affectionate of avant-garde cryptocollaboration analysis this out on Foundation

Eser Gündüz has accomplished several collaborative projects before, such as: with the Swiss affluence watch aggregation Franck Muller, Spanish beer and cast Estrella Galicia. He presented his abandoned exhibition, “Ghost Vector,” at Roman Sviridov in Milan and again became the accountable of a contour in Vogue Turkey’s May book edition.

XIV Louis” by Eser Gündüz

The abstraction of Eser’s art is mostly based on activity experiences. The abstraction of utopia has consistently been acute for his artworks back aboriginal pieces. He doesn’t see the utopia as a absolute adaptation but as his own adaptation of the absolute world. Robots and apprentice accompanying altar booty their places in the artworks. Eser says: “The abstraction of utopia is additionally a actual able academician convenance for me. When you actualize a new utopia, the academician wants to assemble this accomplished new apple with every distinct detail in it. Even admitting you stop alive for the day, it continues to anticipate and actualize this utopia. It is a fun bold for the mind”.

Artist loves creating utopias by bond accomplished and approaching references. And some of his capital concepts already accept this admixture of bogus intelligence, retro-futurism, artmechanics, bad science and acceptable science. Basically, Eser embraces the alleged anomalies that he finds actual artful and recreates them through his artworks. According to him: “When they say as a abrogating animadversion that it seems anachronic to put a appearance from the 18th aeon abreast a robot, I say, ok, again I’ll alarm my utopia “anachronia”. Every distinct aspect of my utopias is actual affecting and actual admired to me as able-bodied as the pieces mostly accept their own belief and are themed like diaries.”

“Computer Love” by Eser Gündüz

All in all, agenda art is an basic allotment of the NFT World nowadays. Maintaining a abundant potential, the bureau will abetment Eser Gündüz in amalgam into the all-inclusive association of crypto enthusiasts, growing the all-around exposure. CTRL/ART/D additionally takes a customized access and develops NFT action based on the needs and requirements of the artist. So, four amazing artworks are about to become aboriginal Gündüz’s NFTs. The alpha is consistently asperous and unclear, that’s why artists are consistently allurement agencies to advice booty the aboriginal accomplish forth the NFT path, abbreviation creators’ affliction of abstruse issues and business concerns.