Essentia.One Sets Aside $1 Million for Global Blockchain Hackathon in 8 Cities
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Essentia.One Sets Aside $1 Million for Global Blockchain Hackathon in 8 Cities

THELOGICALINDIAN - To facilitate the development of its nextgeneration band of abstracts and interoperability Essentia has launched a all-around hackathon The action will drive the development of the Essentia ecosystem and ascertain new use cases for its agreement and interoperability framework Essentia will be alliance 1000000 to the hackathon fund


Essentia Founder and administrator of the Internet of Blockchains Foundation, Matteo Gianpietro Zago, stated:

As allotment of Essentia’s $11million fund, a allotment will be acclimated to incentivize the development of dApps and added integrations to abound the Essentia ecosystem and add absolute account to decentralized technologies — for the account of both enterprises and consumers alike. The $1m actor pot will be broadcast in prizes over the advance of eight contest amid in altered cities beyond the world, the aboriginal of which has been penciled in for backward July.

The first Character Hackathon event to be captivated in Kiev this summer will see a absolute of $100,000 awarded from the $1 actor armamentarium to the teams who abide the best proposals. Prizes will be broadcast as follows:

Essentia will be attractive for projects that affectation absolute innovation, but that are additionally demonstrably applied and achievable. The board will account projects on a ambit of characteristics, including their affluence of accomplishing and adeptness to break real-world problems. A console of judges, including Essentia activity leaders and experts from the blockchain space, calm with association representatives, will casting their vote for the best projects on display. All prizes will be awarded in ESS, the built-in Essentia token.

Who can participate

Essentia is gluttonous developers who are absorbed and amorous about what its accessible antecedent agreement can do for the blockchain ecosystem. Age and acquaintance is no barrier to entry. Entrants who are new to coding but are absorbed in abutting are encouraged to acquaintance Essentia for added advice on how they can participate.

At the event, Essentia will be attractive for accurate projects which advance the following:

Essentia invites participants to alpha advancing their applications for the countdown Character hackathon now. Please appointment or subscribe to the Essentia newsletter for added announcements in the advancing days.

For added advice and added details, analysis out the official website and accompany the Essentia Telegram.

Images address of Essentia.One