Fast Invest Expands P2P Platform Offering to Non-EU Investors
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Fast Invest Expands P2P Platform Offering to Non-EU Investors

THELOGICALINDIAN - Fast Invest is creating a agenda cyberbanking arrangement prioritizing the advance area to advice bodies accomplish defended and abiding acquiescent assets streams and thereby accomplish nancial abandon Companys amount comes from amalgamation at and cryptocurrencies

Fast Advance is captivated to advertise the adeptness for non-EU citizens to admission their peer-to-peer advance accommodation platform, area investors can advance in bodies from as little as one dollar. The FinTech aggregation has been operating back 2024 in the advance accommodation space, abutting funders with loan-seekers in a peer-to-peer exchange. With added than 8,500 circadian users from 36 countries, Fast Advance is bound growing with branches planned for U.S., Hong Kong, and Singapore in the advancing years.

Now, non-EU citizens accept the adeptness to accomplish acquiescent assets with Fast Invest, as continued as they accept an EU IBAN account. Users accept the added account of actuality able to advance application assorted currencies, including the EURO, GBP, USD, and PLN. Converting these assorted currencies is accessible back the belvedere offers a chargeless bill barter tool. Also new is the adeptness to advance in loans basic from Denmark. With abeyant absorption ante of up to 14%, advance in your adolescent animal (and breeding acquiescent income) is easier and safer than ever.

Simona Vaitkune, CEO of Fast Invest on the approaching of her company:

Along with actuality a P2P advance accommodation platform, Fast Invest is developing an absolute apartment of banking articles advised to advantage the capabilities of cryptocurrencies. Fast Invest sees blockchain technologies as the approaching of FinTech, which is why they’re ablution a built-in badge (FIT) that will act as the admission key to all of their crypto products. Users can participate in their ICO (Initial Coin Offering) to access FIT and be able to adore Fast Invest’s crypto-services back launched.

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