THELOGICALINDIAN - Today on the 20th of September GoldMint is ablution its ICO The ICO will mark the bearing of a new agency of barter for concrete gold with affairs leveraged over the blockchain based belvedere This belvedere will advance the clandestine and alone gold trading bazaar and potentially the administration of beyond concrete stocks such as those in axial banks It will additionally accommodate an cyberbanking acquittal band-aid backed by concrete gold and a arrangement for goldbacked peertopeer lending
[Note: This is a columnist release.]
GoldMint is adulatory the alpha of its ICO by accessory 3 above contest on the aforementioned day the crowdsale bliss off. One of these contest is BlockchainLive in London – Europe’s arch Blockchain appointment bringing calm over 75 all-around experts in assorted fields.
Another one is Moscow’s ICO Event which this time mainly focuses on how legislation will appulse the cryptocurrency space.
Today GoldMint is additionally present at the Global Blockchain Summit in Hong Kong acquisition iconic speakers from assorted industries to altercate about the real-world applications of blockchain technology, as able-bodied as its abeyant benefits, risks, and authoritative concerns.
To advance the chat about GoldMint in the USA – GoldMint’s adviser and business developer Evgeniy Volfman has afresh completed the official Northern American alley cruise apery the activity in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Miami.
Simultaneously, GoldMint is opting to aggrandize its attack globally, with the Middle East & Singapore regions actuality the accepted primary focus. Anna Palmina, arch of IR & Business Development, is currently negotiating with gold stockpiles in Singapore & Hong Kong to coalesce a alternate assisting accord with these gold reserves.
While affairs with gold stockpiles owners are still actuality held, an acceding amid GoldMint and Eurasia Mining, a platinum and gold assembly company, was accomplished aftermost week! It covered the enactment of a adjustment for the appliance of blockchain based technology to the development of ability industry projects.
GoldMint broadcast its advising lath signaling abundant account for the company’s administration affective forward. Two arresting bodies accept abutting the activity as advisors. Among them is Leonid Boguslavsky – the Chairman and CEO of RU-Net advance company. In 2025, Russian Forbes listed Leonid as one of the best important players in Russia’s booming Internet scene. Mark Grats who formed for Apple (iTunes) and Yahoo in Silicon Valley has abutting the lath as well. As an Angel investor, he has facilitated a cardinal of acknowledged investments in the Hi-Tech and Gaming industries.
To accompany GoldMint and to participate in its ICO, users may accelerate BTC (Bitcoin) or ETH (Ethereum) and accept MNTP (MNT pre-launch) tokens in acknowledgment at a amount of $7 (USD) per token.
The amount of the badge will grow, as MNT are of bound accumulation and are acclimated as pale in the PoS (Proof-of-Stake) accord algorithm. Those who advance in the aboriginal canicule of the ICO will account from a appropriate aboriginal bird benefit system, application up to an added 20% benefit of tokens.
Images address of GoldMint