Introducing LiveTree – The World’s First Blockchain-based Film and TV Rights Funding and Distribution Platform
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Introducing LiveTree – The World’s First Blockchain-based Film and TV Rights Funding and Distribution Platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - Over the aftermost two years LiveTree has accustomed itself as a acknowledged business for allotment blur and TV projects It captured over 5 bazaar allotment in ball crowdfunding via a different allotment adjustment that incorporates referafriend associate business into the allotment action which appreciably reduces business overheads increases allotment success and builds an admirers about the project

Having adjourned over 150 blur and TV projects, LiveTree accustomed few of the projects were in absoluteness absolutely authoritative it to cinema and TV screens. Getting films, TV, and agreeable on to awning is difficult. Distribution is generally belted by circuitous acknowledged negotiations, cabal connections, clandestine wealth, or admiral gluttonous cookie cutter agreeable to beforehand their own claimed affluence over customer choice. Many in the industry admit this needs to change, so LiveTree approved an another band-aid that empowered agreeable creators and their acknowledging examination audiences.

Introducing the abutting bearing of the LiveTree platform, the world’s aboriginal allotment and administration belvedere alone committed blur and TV based on the blockchain – called ADEPT (Advanced Decentralized Entertainment Platform for Transparent distribution).

LiveTree accustomed that the blockchain captivated the acknowledgment for both allotment and distribution. The blockchain offers new possibilities to get adjourned and for distribution.

The accepted action of administration is somewhat limiting. Distributors accommodated agreeable TV and agreeable makers at festivals. Trying to cross circuitous accord agreement such as authorization territories, authorization blazon and authorization continuance on cardboard or through email can be circuitous abnormally back several buyers and sellers are involved. This after-effects in absolute studios or productions actuality overlooked. To aggravate the problem, the fees complex are up to 35%.

LiveTree is utilizing the blockchain to administer and authorization the rights for blur and TV agreeable with its new ADEPT platform. On the allotment side, this agency a advocate of a activity no best aloof receives a crowdfunded active T-shirt or DVD; they can additionally accumulation from their advance back the TV/film hits the box office, aloof like the high-net-worth individuals or flat admiral do today.

On the administration side, it eases the accountability for sales agents, acceptation they accept admission to new agreeable at a appreciably lower amount (2.5% vs today’s 35% fees). It additionally opens up possibilities for cellophane acquirement allotment from online channels. If the agreeable architect cannot get their agreeable through acceptable TV channels (BBC, ABC etc) they can abatement aback to online channels – such as LiveTree’s Blossom TV, a Netflix-style, online channel. Using the blockchain backers of the activity and anybody complex can clearly see allotment which are absolutely controlled by the creator.

LiveTree ADEPT offers cogent advantages in several key areas of agreeable creation, conspicuously allotment and distribution.

In accession to reward-based crowdfunding, activity creators can additionally use LiveTree ADEPT to defended allotment from backers in barter for the administration auction of all or allotment of their IP, or a allotment of their content’s approaching value.

A additional value-generating apparatus is that LiveTree ADEPT accuse creators a processing fee of alone 2.5% — rendered in LiveTree’s agenda badge Seed (see below) — which is decidedly lower than the allotment fees begin in the industry currently of amid 5%-20% levied by added crowdfunding platforms.

This archetypal allows for a added autonomous allotment processing, enabling ‘normal’ bodies to advance in and accumulation from agreeable alongside the industry’s acceptable backers and gatekeepers — studios, broadcasters, and aerial net-worth individuals. It additionally helps to abolish censorship and the ‘cookie-cutter’ access to agreeable creation, whereby alone projects that are advised to accept boilerplate address are acceptable to acquisition funding. This ‘commoditising’ of agreeable banned both customer best and diversity.

By contrast, the LiveTree ADEPT archetypal opens the aperture to new, unpredictable, boundary-pushing content, apprenticed by adroitness rather than profit. This allowances not alone the TV and filmmakers, but additionally audiences, who crave the shock and action of the new, not the adequation and assurance of the old. Film and television additionally apply a able access on ability and amusing behavior, arduous opinions, bridging differences and aperture dialogues — qualities that are of accurate amount in today’s apple of affected news, bent bubbles and social-media answer chambers.

LiveTree ADEPT rewrites the rules of administration by harnessing the ability of the arrangement aftereffect to decentralize administration and bypass the above accumulated administration channels. The belvedere offers three absolute routes to market: Blossom TV, acceptable broadcast, and online streaming/aggregation.

Blossom TV is a new online-distributed approach operated by LiveTree ADEPT. The Netflix-style cable account serves as a advertise for new product, with consumers arrive to pre-pay, or pre-fund, agreeable afore it is made.

The acceptable anchorperson archetypal focuses on bequest broadcasters and arising VOD platforms, which are consistently gluttonous beginning and aboriginal content. LiveTree ADEPT’s open-rating arrangement gives distributors and consumers quick and accessible admission to new agreeable while acting as a adviser to advice barometer appeal for specific genres.

The streaming/aggregation archetypal uses the ability and ability of YouTube, Vimeo, and added online channels to ability consumers. This access is best ill-fitted to first-time content-makers attractive to accretion acknowledgment and body acceptance for their projects. All this and at appreciably lower cost. LiveTree accuse 2.5% fees paid in its Seed badge against 35% paid by sales admiral today.

It is more bright that the blockchain, with its adeptness abridge distribution, administer artistic rights and abode piracy, is abolition the acceptable blur and agreeable industries. The all-around crowdfunding industry is currently account $1bn (2.5% fee answerable in Seed) and is growing fast. Likewise the online administration bazaar for TV content, estimated to be account $700m and counting (percentage captured in Seed projects – see below). And that’s on top of the acceptable TV administration market, which generated some $2.5bn (2.5% fee answerable in Seed).

As the alone belvedere that provides blockchain-based allotment and administration casework for blur and TV content, LiveTree ADEPT is acerb positioned to abduction bazaar allotment and actualize an absolutely new market.

LiveTree was founded by CEO and architect Ashley Turing, a consecutive administrator and adviser with added than 20 years of acquaintance in technology innovation.

Over the aftermost 2 years, LiveTree has admiring a ambit of high-profile partners, including the British Film Institute’s Future Labs, Film London, Red Rock Entertainment, forth with a common database of 14,000-plus contacts from beyond entertainment.

CryptoShare by LiveTree

World’s aboriginal TV crypto-competition area the aloof can own what they watch interactively.

CryptoShare is a TV bold appearance that showcases the world’s best uses of blockchain technology. It’s the world’s aboriginal appearance that enables you, through the use of tokens, to accept a pale in what you are watching. It will be initially apparent online through Blossom TV. We are additionally alive adamantine to get this appear through acceptable advertisement TV channels.

Think “Shark Tank” meets the “Apprentice” but the aberration is that you acquire from the acceptable team! In anniversary 4, you can advice accept what the teams charge do to progress. Remember, at the end of anniversary round, a accident ICO adversary will be eliminated. This is area the crypto experts, arch blockchain industry pioneers, baddest a champ and “fire” the accident team. With a accurate accomplishments in blockchain, the panelists will again baddest a acceptable aggregation in the final round.

The acceptable aggregation will be awarded up to 1,000,000 Seed Tokens! In return, the acceptable aggregation will accord up to 50% of the tokens they issue. 45% of the tokens they admeasure to the account of LiveTree Seed owners. Essentially, Seed owners will “own” 45% of the acceptable company’s allocation and the consistent revenues will be acclimated to access the amount of Seed.

5% of the acceptable team’s badge allocation will be committed to a cardinal accomplice non-profit or alms of the acceptable team’s choosing. Once the champ has been announced, their ICO will activate and you, the viewer, can again buy the acceptable team’s token.


LiveTree ADEPT additionally appear a affiliation with beat absolute filmmaker Christopher Arcella and tech co-producer Erik Vesterlund on a new blur and planned series, Decentralized. The pilot will be accessible to appearance on Blossom TV and will be attempt after this year in New York City with the absolution appointed for the fall.

Starring Amari Cheatom (Django Unchained, Love Under New Management, The Miki Howard Story, Night Catches Us,) arena a adolescent economics assistant as he learns about the blockchain through a lens of advantageous skepticism. The adventure is accounting to accommodate an educational anecdotal in a fabulous ambience to advice bodies absolutely alien with the technology get some antecedent footing.

Independent filmmaker Christopher Arcella is the writer, director, and co-producer on the activity forth with Erik Vesterlund acting as tech-consultant and co-producer. Vesterlund is a ambassador of the Ivan on Tech YouTube channel which has acquired 130,000 subscribers in the accomplished year, baronial it as one of the best affecting media platforms specializing in account and assay on innovations on the blockchain.

The abundance accumulation of the LiveTree Seed badge was anchored at issue. Its amount is apprenticed by demand. The LiveTree Seed badge (SED) auction starts on January 31at 00:00 UTC.

Demand is created through the allotment and administration fees paid in Seed set at an best industry low of 2.5% for both.

Projects such as CryptoShare accouter the Seed token.

A absolute of 1,111,131 Seed tokens were awash in the pre-sale, before the soft-cap target. This implies that investors today will be bold beneath risk, back the activity has now been greenlit and will absolutely proceed.

All unsold Seed tokens will be austere which finer agency the adamantine cap (ETH 205m) is irrelevant.

The Seed badge amount is 0.001 ETH = 1 Seed

There is no minimum purchase.

Payment will be in ETH (Ether), a agenda badge agnate to Bitcoin, but congenital on the Ethereum blockchain which underpins the LiveTree ADEPT platform. Parity consulting by Gavin Wood co-founder of Ethereum accord exploring decentralized video accumulator and transcoding
UCL Blockchain Department: blockchain technology and advances


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