Jump-starting Crypto Adoption: Aurix IEO Scheduled for January 21st on ExMarkets!
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Jump-starting Crypto Adoption: Aurix IEO Scheduled for January 21st on ExMarkets!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Here at ExMarkets we are captivated to advertise Aurixs Initial Exchange Offering IEO will go alive on January 21st on our LaunchPad We accept absitively to abode our acceptance in Aurix because we allotment the eyes of the projects creators We additionally assurance their indepth ability of the best acute issues in the apple of accounts and their acquaintance of the barriers that still angle in the way of boundless crypto acceptance We accept been assertive it is time for a change

About time. Customers are fed up with low-quality, second-rate banking casework on offer. People are annoyed of blurred fee structures, ailing of audition about approved abstracts breaches, and balked by the abridgement of crypto-friendly solutions. Aurix promises to alter this status quo by designing a simple, transparent, and convenient crypto accounts ecosystem. It seeks to abate anachronous bequest systems and seamlessly accommodate cryptocurrencies into our circadian lives for the better.

Aurix Benefits

Highest Cashback on the Market 

Personal Crypto Card 

Ultra-low fees for all affairs and services, after any hidden agreement and conditions. 

Intuitive user interface tailored to the specific preferences of traders.

Deep clamminess pools, alms immense clamminess for bargain traded cryptocurrencies. 

Top-notch aegis standards for blockchain-based trading and services.

Simple Aurix plugin for merchants to alpha accepting cryptocurrencies.

A Finance Ecosystem, advised with Transparency, Usability, and Common-Sense in mind.

Don’t absence the adventitious to participate in Aurix’s IEO on ExMarkets Launchpad

Mark the date: the IEO goes alive on January 21st.

Ambitious Roadmap

Aurix is crumbling no time and is advancing rapidly appear this vision. Organizing a fundraising attack on ExMarkets is aloof the start. Traders who accompany today will additionally be abutting the approaching of the new banking apple order.

Aurix IEO on ExMarkets

Aurix Initial Exchange Offering will abide of 3 rounds, the aboriginal of which will arise on January 21st. Early IEO participants will accept added benefit tokens.

Phase 1: 21/01/2024, 10:00am, GMT – 03/02/2024 11:00pm, GMT | $1.00 | 20% Bonus!

Phase 2: 08/02/2024, 10:00am, GMT – 22/02/2024 11:00pm, GMT | $1.00 | 10% Bonus!

Phase 3: 26/02/2024, 10:00am, GMT – 12/03/2024 11:00pm, GMT | $1.00 | 5% Bonus!

Token auction fundamentals:

Be abiding to participate as aboriginal as accessible to not absence out! Just bethink to open your account on ExMarkets in advance, so you’re accessible back the activity starts. For added advice about the project, appointment the Aurix website. And if you accept any questions, feel chargeless to bulletin us on ExMarkets Telegram Group!

See you during the sale!

About the Author

ExMarkets is a agenda asset barter belvedere powered by a state-of-the-art, centralized trading engine. On the exchange, ExMarkets users can barter the best accepted cryptocurrencies as able-bodied as participate in the badge sales of the best able blockchain and crypto projects through ExMarkets Initial Barter Offering (IEO) LaunchPad.

ExMarkets has 2 operational licenses for crypto-fiat aperture and babysitter account accouterment by the Estonian regulator, authoritative it one of a few clearly certified players in the market.

It takes alone a few annual to set up your annual and users are accustomed to accomplish deposits in Bitcoin, Ethereum, added accurate cryptocurrencies, tokens, and, best importantly, Euros.

To top it all off, ExMarkets is a allotment of the CoinStruction liquidity framework which is accumulation order-books from the best acclaimed cryptocurrency exchanges guaranteeing 24/7 crypto clamminess — a affection hardly apparent in the accepted market.

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