KRebels Pre-Sale and Public Sale is Coming Up. Secure Your KRebels NFTs at a Lower Price!
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KRebels Pre-Sale and Public Sale is Coming Up. Secure Your KRebels NFTs at a Lower Price!

THELOGICALINDIAN - KRebels an avantgarde NFT activity absorption on the circle of cuttingedge technology art and extenuative the endangered Koalas has appear the accessible PreSale and Public Sale of its absolute accumulating of NFTs

The aggregation at NFT KRebels will conduct the NFT bead in 6 stages, with a betrayal for anniversary date sold. In total, there will be alone 9,999 NFTs accessible over the appointed sales.


The aboriginal date is a pre-sale involving the Prime Koala KRebels NFTs at a amount of 0.05 ETH, on a first-come-first-have basis, demography abode on January 13 at 22:00 GMT.

It is account advertence that this aboriginal date involves a donation of $50,000 by the aggregation to a foundation committed to the attention of the koalas.

The additional date of the pre-sale will accompanying booty abode with the aboriginal date on (January 13 at 22:00 GMT). On this occasion, koala lovers can get authority of NFTs 500-1,999 at a amount of 0.10 ETH each.

Public Sale

The accessible auction will be captivated on January 15 at 22:00 GMT and comprises the afterward four stages programmed in the austere adjustment of sales as the stages are beat in the bulk and assured price:

2,000–3,999 – 0.15 ETH
4,000–5,999 – 0.20 ETH
6,000–7,999- 0.25 ETH
8,000–9,999 – 0.30 ETH

It is important to acknowledgment that the 2nd to 6th stages are giveaways for buyers who intend to authority their NFTs. Each client who has the tokens will be acceptable to win absolute giveaways as able-bodied as participate in an airdrop of the new bearing collection.

All the KRebel NFT minting will be through our website Only wallets that authority an NFT acquired in the above sales will be accepted to participate in the raffles.

Regarding the abutting appointed sale, Jaymi”, Creator and architect of the KRebels NFT, said he was actual aflame about the atypical way in which the absolute 9,999 NFTs accessible from the activity will be sold.

“Without a doubt, it is a different befalling for all those who accept in blockchain technology, NFTs and the ability they accept to change the world, and abnormally the lives of endangered breed such as koalas. This activity supports and demonstrates that  it is accessible to accept a bigger apple alongside abstruse progress”.

KRebels is the newest NFT activity utilizing cutting-edge technology to accession acquaintance for a acceptable cause. KRebels’s centralized artisan has created 9,999 altered koala-inspired artworks that are actuality angry into different NFTs.

KRebels is an beat NFT activity absorption on the circle of cutting-edge technology, art, and extenuative the endangered Koalas.

KRebels  is utilizing cutting-edge technology to accession acquaintance for a acceptable cause. KRebels’s centralized artisan has created 9,999 altered koala-inspired artworks that are actuality angry into different NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain.

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