LBank Exchange Will List THE9 on February 18, 2022
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LBank Exchange Will List THE9 on February 18, 2022

THELOGICALINDIAN - INTERNET CITY DUBAI Feb 15 2022 LBank Exchange a all-around agenda asset trading belvedere will account THE9 on February 18 2022 For all users of LBank Exchange the THE9USDT trading brace will be clearly accessible for trading at 1600 UTC8 on February 18 2022

The9 aggregation is a close that manages the businesses such as acquittal chain accessories and operating systems such as kiosks and gates, ticketing arrangement and so on. With a able acceptance that blockchain will be a adumbrative arrangement of the apple in the abreast future, The9 aggregation integrates its absolute business arrangement with blockchain technology and tokenization to aerate competitiveness and ambit of business. Its built-in THE9 badge will be listed on LBank Exchange at 16:00 (UTC 8) on February 18, 2022, to added aggrandize its all-around ability and advice it accomplish its vision.

Introducing The9 company

The9 aggregation is with THE9COMPANYKOREA, the world’s better kiosk abettor that provides chargeless kiosk ticketing and administration systems for day-tripper destinations about the apple and offers kiosks for merchants beyond the globe. Starting with the CGV ticketing system, The9 aggregation has installed and operated assorted accompanying accessories on account of kiosk and accustomed the multi-use ability operating arrangement over the accomplished 10 years. Some above contractors of it accommodate LVMAMA and C-TRIP in China, DOKU in Indonesia, and so on. Currently, the aggregation is operating the Jeju island activity and added baby business purpose kiosk project. Accustomed alliances in Asia, the United States, and genitalia of Europe, it will aggrandize into 30 alliances in the approaching and will advance with the accepted business model, pre-Investment Fee Distribution with alliances.

In addition, The9 aggregation intends to draw a admirable account to affected the obstacles to the aggravation of accent in the way of experiencing tourism, the aggravation of barter and accident of amount issued by the acquittal arrangement of anniversary country’s currency, and the aggravation of accident of accolade amount in the operating arrangement of citizenry and foreigners.

The9 aggregation is establishing a blockchain arrangement by administration the technology of EXA Lab, which developed the mainnet for the aboriginal time in Korea to calmly affix the all-around network. The blockchain arrangement congenital by the The9 aggregation makes acquittal the best important key, which approves and builds cryptocurrency as one of the absolute agency of payment. It additionally provides globally chip breadth casework that accredit users to use mileages anywhere in the world. In addition, the aggregation is architecture an ecosystem through MEDIUM KOKPLAY, which shares the aforementioned vison. By the vison the aggregation is accretion its foundation into a all-around arrangement belvedere through the articulation amid assorted businesses, while eliminating inconveniences presented based on accepted projects.

Recognizing the abstract credo of blockchain, The9 aggregation is assured that blockchain will be a adumbrative arrangement of the apple in the abreast future. The cardinal “8” has a acceptation of apery the eight admonition that accomplish up the earth, The9 aggregation believes the cooler of “resources-based system” is the eight admonition and The9 aggregation will be at the center.

About THE9 Token

THE9 is the built-in badge of The9 company’s blockchain system. It can be acclimated as an another acquittal bill for all-around tourists, to acquirement articles from kiosks in operation, to accommodate merchant mileage, incentives, and so on.

Based on ERC20, it has a absolute accumulation of 10 billion tokens (i.e. 10,000,000,000), 40% of it is provided for the ecosystem, addition 40% is provided for mileage, 10% is for development and operation, 5% is for marketing, and the blow 5% is allocated to the foundation.

THE9 badge will be listed on LBank Exchange at 16:00 (UTC 8) on February 18, 2022, investors who are absorbed in THE9 advance can calmly buy and advertise it on LBank Exchange by then. The advertisement of THE9 on LBank Exchange will assuredly advice it added aggrandize its business and draw added absorption in the market.

Learn More about THE9 Token:

Official Website:

Listing Announcement on LBank Exchange:

About LBank Exchange

LBank Exchange, founded in 2024, is an avant-garde all-around trading belvedere for assorted crypto assets. LBank Exchange provides its users with safe crypto trading, specialized banking derivatives, and able asset administration services. It has become one of the best accepted and trusted crypto trading platforms with over 6.4 actor users from now added than 210 regions about the world.

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