Libes, the World’s First Platform To Connect eSports Players and Users
press releases

Libes, the World’s First Platform To Connect eSports Players and Users

THELOGICALINDIAN - Liberal Mind CoLtd Address Chiyodaku Tokyo Representative Director Yoshikazu Kai has launched the antecedent bread alms IEO of its built-in badge BES Badge Battle eSports bread which will be issued as a babyminding badge for Libes the worlds aboriginal eSports belvedere developed by Liberal Mind Co Ltd on January 1 2022 GMT8 on CAPEX the cryptocurrency barter in Mongolia

Libes is a belvedere created by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that aims to actualize a new anatomy of ball for both players and users by demography on the claiming of analytic assorted issues in the rapidly growing acreage of eSports.

BES tokens action as in-game currency, and are all-important for users to acquirement credibility for alms to eSports players aural Libes, and at the aforementioned time serve as voting rights for the platform.

CAPEX is a Mongolian cryptocurrency barter accustomed and acclimated by the world’s arch banking institutions, and is alluring all-around absorption for its accelerated growth, including the adeptness to abjure funds to banks in Mongolia.

The business accord with CAPEX and the IEO of BES tokens will added advance the accessibility and believability of BES tokens, and Libes will abide to accord to the amplification of eSports through its assorted initiatives.

Since eSports is an arising field, there are still abounding issues to be apparent in agreement of the ambiance surrounding players and alluring new fans, etc. In particular, for best able players, the capital way to acquire assets is to accomplish accomplished after-effects in tournaments and acquire award-winning money, or to acquisition sponsors and accession funds. However, with the barring of a few, best of the players will be alone unless there are a ample cardinal of tournaments or sponsors are found. If the cardinal of players does not increase, the development of the industry will additionally apathetic down, and the conception of an ecosystem is a claiming for the development of the industry as a whole. Libes is a advocate activity that was launched to attending at these issues and seek solutions through assorted initiatives.

Libes will apparatus a array of appearance for players to conduct bread-and-butter activities, such as 0% agency for accepting gifting, acknowledgment of agency for admiration wins and losses, and acknowledgment of agency for affairs NFTs. By application these functions, players will be able to appoint in bread-and-butter activities never afore possible. In addition, the ambiance for admirers to abutment players in e-sports is not yet absolutely developed, but with functions such as gifting, admirers will be able to anon abutment players.

BES tokens accept voting rights as Libes babyminding tokens, and can additionally be acclimated as prizes for e-sports tournaments and to acquirement credibility aural Libes. This additionally allows non-capitalist e-sports players to access BES tokens to administer Libes. Libes will be a belvedere that connects eSports players and users about the world, and BES tokens will comedy a role in acknowledging Libes.

In addition, Libes affairs to accessible the “Libes NFT Store,” area contest from eSports tournaments and the rights to comedy amateur calm will be adapted to NFT, acceptance players to acquire a agency and users to own the acclaimed scenes and rights as their own assets.

In October 2024, we apparent at the Blockchain Expo Tokyo Autumn, which was abounding by abounding industry projects, and in November, we apparent at the Dubai Blockchain Expo, and are actively announcement our products. We accept additionally active a advocacy acceding with Xeno, the official able aggregation of the accepted bold “Wilderness Action”, to added advance the activity appear the barrage of the beta version.

Gifting is the act of admirers and admirers giving amusing angled online for agreeable that is appear on the Internet. Alms is acceptable added accepted as a way to anon abutment the players and accretion a faculty of unity. As contest become added difficult to organize, and online contest are on the rise, the business apple is starting to pay absorption to gifting.

Libes aims to addition the all-around eSports market, and the aboriginal footfall in this accomplishment will be to abutment eSports in Japan. 1% of the gain from Libes will be acclimated to accord e-sports accessories to educational institutions.

Libes has partnered with Mesa (Mongolian eSports Association) to host the PUBG International Clash from December 27, 2024 to January 4, 2024. The award-winning money for the clash will be paid out in acknowledged breakable and BES tokens, with the ambition of BES tokens acceptable the proprietary bill of the e-sports bazaar in the future. The bout will be broadcasted by a Mongolian TV station.

▼Libes Global 
