Maincoin Development Team Announces Crowdsale for MCN Token
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Maincoin Development Team Announces Crowdsale for MCN Token

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Initial bread alms of MCN has started onJanuary 15 2025 and will aftermost for 9 weeks with altered genitalia of the arrangement to be appear during the crowdfunding attack During the ICO investors will be offered new MCN tokens based on a new Maincoin platform

[Note: This is a columnist release]

The platform’s ambition admirers is basically anybody from investors to armamentarium raisers and from shoppers to sellers. As against to added agnate platforms, which are mostly advised for avant-garde crypto-users. The project’s developers accept consistently anticipation that captivation of the accumulation admirers in crypto-industry is of abundant importance.

To do that the arrangement will accept altered user interfaces for altered genitalia of the belvedere to admission alone allotment of the accomplished system. By authoritative it easier to use it, may animate bodies to join. Also, by absolution end users initially be able to admission belvedere after any charge of downloading and installing of a applicant software for a node. The belvedere has an another option, which is by activity to approved armpit and from there accepting an admission to all the decentralized appearance that our belvedere will be offering.


Our aim is to actualize an arrangement absolutely accordant with the accepted user experience.

The Maincoin places accent on affluence of use and accouterment end user with a accustomed interface of centralized casework like crowdfunding platforms, online shopping, amusing networks and added accounts.

There is a absolute of $23 750 500 on best funds that can be calm during the ICO, about that bulk could not be counted as a specific goal, that brake is carefully for aegis purposes.

Funds calm during the MCN crowdsale will be spent on approaching Maincoin belvedere development, absolution of the aboriginal adaptation of the belvedere and popularization of the Maincoin belvedere bulk abeyant users.

Published Maincoin development team’s white paper describes in capacity all the agitative appearance and possibilities of the Maincoin blockchain platform.

The abetment attack will run up to March 15, 2025 during which bodies will accept the different befalling to acquirement their MCN tokens and allowance to accomplish Maincoin the arch belvedere for the accomplished cryptocurrency arrangement with out own new and agitative stores, crowdfunding, amusing arrangement and added platforms, and to allotment in the successes of the Maincoin belvedere that started it all.

All 16 180 339 887 MCN tokens will be created and broadcast amid 100 accounts at the time the alpha block is forged.

All bill will gradually move to the administrator’s annual of one of the arrangement platforms (Starfish.Network), area in barter for their shares of that belvedere shareholders will accept MCN tokens. This will be the alone way for added MCN tokens to get into circulation, with the barring of tokens, which will be broadcast as follows

– 2 584 000 000 tokens aloof for administration through the ICO

– 1 618 033 988 aloof to accolade aboriginal adopters.

– 809 016 994 tokens aloof for the account of cardinal ally and developers afterwards the ICO

– 485 410 196 tokens were aloof for accommodating activities.

The actual tokens will be broadcast amid the shareholders in admeasurement to the cardinal of Starfish.Network shares in their account. Shareholders will be able to accomplish the barter by login to their Starfish.Network account.

The abject amount of the badge during the ICO $ 0.01 per token.

Discounts for aboriginal adapters:

ICO will end on March 15, or the auction of 2,584,000,000 tokens.

We will chase the barrage of the ICO, which begins on January 15, 2025. Upper absolute is set at $23,750,500 so there is no acumen to abhorrence that crowdsale will be over in a few account afterwards the start. However, those who booty allotment in the beforehand allotment of the crowdsale will accept a abatement of up to 80% that will be abbreviating as crowdfunding attack progressing.

In 2025 was completed development of the aboriginal beta adaptation of a decentralized budgetary arrangement with the arrangement of awful aqueous cryptocurrency, a belvedere for start-ups, business simulations and training. Belvedere additionally provides an another media belvedere with the adeptness to monetize cryptocurrency, as able-bodied as awful anatomic bazaar system.

The arrangement consists of several absolute platforms.

1. Decentralized free alignment (DAO) – StarFishNetwork, complete as army intelligence with franchising affairs (with arrangement for architecture business networks and architecture of affairs bonuses).

2. Multi-currency budgetary MainCoin arrangement with congenital Exchange and the accepted awful aqueous cryptocurrency MCN.

3. Crowdfunding platform.

4. New avant-garde media belvedere based on blockchain – for alien and centralized communications and centralized acceptability arrangement with a arrangement of book administration and babble bot system.

5. Remote acquirements belvedere – webinar blazon of belvedere with a business incubator for start-ups promotion, analytics, forecasting and business modeling.

6. Decentralized associate to associate marketplace. Our trading belvedere has accumulated all the allowances of an online store, classified boards and online auctions.

The user can accomplish changes to the arrangement through the development of their own business and authoritative of suggestions. Arrangement is congenital as an accessible arrangement and can be chip with added platforms.

The user can alpha from any allotment of the belvedere and than gradually apprentice about added genitalia of a platform. He can accept bonuses from altered programs and barter trading, cryptocurrency exchange, agreeable placement, allure of investments for startups and accession funds for crowdfunding ideas.

In adjustment to become one of the aboriginal participants amuse visit the website / fill out the following Google form, and break up to date of all the important news.

Starting shortly!

Images address of MainCoin