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THELOGICALINDIAN - NFTs accept access out assimilate the blockchain in a new way this year registering an aberrant trading aggregate of 1213 billion for the aboriginal division of 2022 No admiration that added characteristic projects are appear to agitate the industry and NFT enthusiasts are clamoring to be a allotment of this bullish and beginning bazaar Amid the NFT trading bang a new and characteristic activity is appear intending to change the way of cerebration about agenda art METADRAGNAROK seems to be a NFT dragon Metaverse area bodies brand aggregate action and acquire on their oneofakind agenda assets

METADRAGNAROK is an open-world exploration, NFT animal accession and auto action bold congenital on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Solana (SOL), appear on PC in 2022. It is a Dragon Metaverse with NFT dragon collectibles that unites high-quality graphics, created by different and avant-garde algorithms and cutting-edge technology.

Metadragnarok is a gaming cosmos in which the apple is disqualified by fearsome, fire-breathing Dragons. Collecting dragons as pets, growing them, and demography on monster opponents in the Arena will acquire players a atom on the Leaderboard as the greatest dragon trainers. They may absolutely own, purchase, sell, and barter assets becoming in the bold via acute gaming and contributions to the ecosystem in the universe’s player-owned economy. There are a deluge of Dragons in assorted shapes and grades. Each Dragon has its own set of abilities and counter-classes.


The dragons are the ultimate appearance of the players’ efforts in the game, and they will be able to train, akin up, evolve, and strengthen their birth in adjustment to accomplish unique, rare, epic, legendary, and allegorical dragons. These will not alone be claimed achievements that players will be appreciative of, but they will additionally be able to appearance off their dragons in a real-time action adjoin added players in a PVP amphitheatre and attack to become the best of them all.


Metadragnarok is founded with the ambition of creating a fair, transparent, and non-custodial bold active on acute affairs to accolade the players with not alone the best astute open-world analysis but additionally absolute money.

Besides, Metadragnarok will advance into an ecosystem of amazing Dragon gaming adventures congenital on association and player-owned economies as basal pillars.

Metadragnarok team’s admiration is to accomplish a community-governed NFT bold with agenda items that are tradeable on marketplaces. In that, users and the amount development aggregation are both incentivized to assignment calm to abound the network. The apparatus by which the association of $DRA holders will administer and advance the protocol, via the Metadragnarok Council, and what types of changes can be proposed.

Dragons are aggregate into one of 9 classes: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Grass, Ice, Ground, Elf, Ice, and Thunder. As in abounding RPGs, the choices users accomplish apropos the chic of their Dragons will affect the aftereffect of their battles with agrarian monsters.
Each dragon has a altered rarity. The rarer a Dragon is, the stronger his altered accomplishment is. Also, his amount on the exchange is higher. There are 6 altered levels of rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythical.
When a Dragon alcove a assertive level, players can abide alteration to actualize a accomplished new Dragon with above attending and stats to the antecedent one by purchasing an evolution-supporting NFT account from the Marketplace. It is important to bethink that the old NFT will be burnt. Evolution not alone increases a dragon’s ability but additionally its bazaar value.

Only players who acquire a dragon can participate in the game. There are two methods to access a dragon: buy a dragon and buy dragon eggs, bear them and delay for them to accord bearing to a new dragon. The bold may be enjoyed in a array of ways.: PVE, PVP, or World Boss – area players accept to abet with others to defeat alternate enemies. It agency that players can attempt with added players, accompany quests, defeat bosses, and participate in appropriate contest to alleviate new areas and all-embracing storylines. This play-to-earn bold is alms its users money according to the time they absorb on this gaming platform. With every win, players will acquire some accolade in the anatomy of backing and in-game items. In-game items, valuables, and dragons with aerial ancestry are tradable. If players get apathetic with the dragons in the future, they can artlessly advertise them at the NFT exchange to accept money in their account.


PVE: AFK IDLE is an action in which players may aggregate abstracts to advance the ability of anniversary of their dragons back abutting PVE after accepting to absorb too abundant time online. Users can accept a akin on Adventure Map to accompany the land, biking and ascertain hidden. Dragons will be aloft by acquisition 1-3 little monsters that cartel to block their way. Players who beat levels 1-9 will accept the badge rewards.

PVP: Players accept to action adjoin the others to accomplish their dragon a angry hero fable and to prove they are above Dragon trainers. In PVP, queuing in the Ranked Arena involves actuality about akin with an adversary with the aforementioned accomplishment or calling out added players in ad-hoc wagered matches in the Arena. Two players will accept a badge bet agreement, the champ will accept the loser’s DRA tokens (with 2% deduction). And the also-ran will lose the item(s) and claret canteen acclimated in this battle. Players who don’t accompany battles can spectate and action on the outcomes.

World boss: Players charge to abet with others to defeat alternate enemies. It ability booty a brace of times to complete the quest, but the aftereffect will not let them down. Players who beat levels 1-9 will accept the badge rewards. The accolade differs based on the bulk of accident the amateur has acquired to the boss.

The built-in badge of Metadragnarok is $DRA. In accession to above tournaments, Dragon change and afire mechanism, it is acclimated to beforehand areas (mission) with attenuate NFT items bead and participate in DAO Governance, acquirement NFT Eggs and alleviate new areas. The capital play-to-earn accolade is additionally the additional token, alleged $DOR. It is activated for in-game activities, to participate in bold modes and appropriate events.


The Metadragnarok roadmap is afar into four altered phases, anniversary focuses on convalescent aspects of the bold and bringing new appearance and capabilities for players.

Metadragnarok, with a aggregation of able bold developers with years of acquaintance in the bold industry in accepted and the blockchain gaming industry in particular, has created a able ballast for themselves via the bazaar through their achievements, acknowledged projects and abeyant investors.


Metadragnarok is primarily codicillary on its bread-and-butter mechanics as a play-to-earn modern. The circulating accumulation is 1,000,000 tokens (50% on BSC 50% on SOL).

The administration is apparent in the angel below:

The abeyant of the blockchain, decidedly NFT’s affiliation in new accessible projects, creates abundant opportunities for abounding to amalgamate ball with earning elements. Metadragnarok seems to absorb the two contemporary superpowers: a dragon and the blockchain. The aboriginal implemented innovations can accomplish this activity a must-try for NFT lovers.


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Name: Metadragnarok

Symbol: $DRA

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 $DRA (50% on BSC 50% on SOL).

Network: BSC (Binance Smart Chain) & SOL (Solana)

Token contract:
BSC: 0x4fa1f3802Fa85cC19c94255999e9493Bcd7161bF
SOL: 7xyUV7Hev7W6m21DWcjBE8ArZEfPtyFqztcKbTHkQC59