Mycelium Wallet Partners with Changelly
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Mycelium Wallet Partners with Changelly

THELOGICALINDIAN - Changelly an burning cryptocurrency barter has partnered with Mycelium one of the best reliable and arresting Bitcoin wallets that now goes all-around with multicurrency abutment and integrates Changellys API into the adaptable wallet application

Being abundantly accepted as one of the oldest and reliable Bitcoin wallets, Mycelium opens up for anybody who opts for alts and tokens by amalgam Changelly’s API into the adaptable app.

The API is deployed anon into Mycelium’s interface enabling users to about-face amid currencies after application the Changelly website. Since Changelly allows to barter huge amounts, there will be an advantage to buy up to 200 BTC at already aloof in a few clicks.

With Changelly onboard, the aggregation at Mycelium not alone provides their loyal users with the best rates, but additionally takes the accomplished chump acquaintance to a added convenient level.
In addition, Changelly offers a favorable acquirement allotment archetypal for Mycelium acceptance to get added accumulation out of anniversary transaction.

Konstantin Gladych, CEO at Changelly, stated:

In turn, Jérôme Rousselot, Chief Revenue Officer at Mycelium is assertive that the affiliation with Changelly will be fruitful:

Changelly is a accepted cryptocurrency barter accouterment the adeptness to instantly and seamlessly barter over 90 altcoins at the best bazaar amount or buy them application a coffer card.

Operating back 2025, Changelly has admiring over 1.5M registered users from about the world. Currently, the account processes added than 15K affairs circadian with a account about-face of about 60K BTC.

Changelly offers its API and a customizable acquittal accoutrement for any crypto account that wishes to access its turnover. The barter provides its Affiliate affairs with a absolutely ambrosial acquirement allotment mechanism. Changelly is a accomplice with Mycelium, Jaxx, Coinmarketcap, Coinpayments, Uquid debit card, Coinomi, and added arresting companies.

Mycelium is a Bitcoin aggregation with the ample ambit of products, mostly accepted as one of the aboriginal (and best for crypto-anarchists and geeks) Bitcoin wallets with added than 500 000 users. The wallet provides a set of accoutrement and appearance for autumn and sending Bitcoins in the safest address possible. In 2014, Mycelium was accepted the acclaimed accolade “Best Mobile App” as a wallet with above bank-grade security.

Images address of Changelly