NEO is becoming the most developer-friendly blockchain for smart economy vision
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NEO is becoming the most developer-friendly blockchain for smart economy vision

THELOGICALINDIAN - Opensource blockchain activity NEO is able an agitative mix of tech business and authoritative speakers at its 2025 DevCon event

Hundreds are accepted to appear the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Seattle amid February 16th – 17th to accept to added than 40 speakers and appearance added than 30 projects beyond 20 abstracted exhibits.

In addition, NEO will host a one-day branch that will acquaint developers to the fundamentals of NEO blockchain development. With abutment for assorted programing languages such as C#, Python, and JavaScript, NEO aims to be the best developer affable acute arrangement platform.

NEO founders Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang will accessible the accident giving visitors acumen into NEO’s affiance of a Smart Economy and affairs for belvedere advance over the abutting 12 months.

The blow of the aperture day will focus on capacity such as belvedere architecture, innovation, the authoritative landscape, and the alteration to a Smart Economy.

Scheduled speakers accommodate Miha Kralj, managing administrator of the world’s better consulting aggregation Accenture, who will allocution about the big trends in blockchain, and Dr Chris Berg of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), who will altercate crypto-economics and its role in the approaching of the all-around economy.

Another accepted apostle is Joseph Williams, Governor Jay Inslee’s ICT industry area advance & State of Washington ICT bread-and-butter development director. Williams will accord visitors an acumen into how regulators appearance the development of blockchain.

Day two of NEO DevCon will about-face apparatus and booty a abysmal dive into abstruse blockchain capacity such as accord mechanisms and decentralized storage, as able-bodied as analyze a ambit of decentralized appliance (dApp) use cases, patterns and practices.

Co-founders of the NEO Saint Petersburg Competency Center, Sergei Liubich and Anatoly Bogatryrev, will present analysis advance on their NEO based broadcast decentralized accumulator platform.

The Coelho brothers and founders of NeoResearch, Igor and Vitor, will altercate how aerial achievement accretion can beforehand accord mechanisms and how the NEO blockchain can be acclimated as a botheration analytic network.

Representatives from ecosystem projects such as Neon Exchange, Moonlight, Blacat and Archon will additionally allotment insights on dApp development and their contributions to the Smart Economy.

“NEO’s ambition is to accept the adeptness to run all-embracing bartering applications. The technology development of the blockchain will eventually acreage in applied applications, and we achievement to serve the goals of the acute economy,” Erik Zhang, architect of NEO said.

“The NEO DevCon is a abode area we can allotment the latest abstruse advances, apprentice about absorbing applications and altercate the possibilities of approaching changes with accordant experts and scholars. This time we additionally arrive some speakers from Seattle-based tech giants to allotment their insights with us.”

Development workshop

NEO DevCon will additionally affection a branch for participants who are absorbed in acquirements to assignment on NEO’s developer-friendly platform.

The branch will adviser developers through how to set up a NEO development environment, architecture a acute contract, arrange to the blockchain, and interface with a acute contract.

It aims to accord participants all the abilities appropriate to alpha architecture their own dApps on the NEO platform.

NEO DevCon will be captivated at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Seattle, February 16th – 17th.

Anyone absorbed in accommodating or acknowledging the accident can email: [email protected]

Full amount tickets will be $299.

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