Oju Hospitality Group Launches ICO – ‘OjuT – The Travel Coin’ – May Rival Bitcoin – Self-Invented Blockchain Technology and Proof of Stake Algorithms
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Oju Hospitality Group Launches ICO – ‘OjuT – The Travel Coin’ – May Rival Bitcoin – Self-Invented Blockchain Technology and Proof of Stake Algorithms

THELOGICALINDIAN - Oju is the aboriginal ICO area tokens can be acclimated to redeem appurtenances such as biking articles alike afore the ICO hits the barter OjuT Coin will accredit seamless affairs common abutting the Owner to all aspects of the biking and accommodation apple with one coin

Phuket, Thailand – Dec 7, 2024, Oju Hospitality Group beatific shockwaves through the biking and tourism industry today with the barrage of a different ICO that offers a real-world eco-system congenital on top of a real-world acknowledged business action with huge all-around appeal and growth. Practical uses for OjuT bread will accommodate booking and acquittal options for accommodation, transport, tours, attractions, shopping, dining, and abundant added – all fabricated via the different OjuT Bread and buzz app.

Oju Hospitality Group’s plans accommodate developing its own different 5 stars alcove auberge and absolute acreage brands area badge owners can advance alone via OjuT Coin, appropriately advancement a massive appeal for coins. Oju Gold (one of several different alcove auberge brands), aims to become The world’s aboriginal cryptocurrency themed hotel. All backdrop are actuality advised from the arena up with Crypto-fanatics in mind. This represents a anarchy for the accepted auberge business archetypal and Oju Hospitality Group has already accustomed the important relationships to the Chinese outbound day-tripper market, the better and fastest growing in the world.

Oju Accommodation Group has accumulated a real estate portfolio of added than 100 backdrop on the paradise vacation island of Phuket, Thailand, in the aftermost 5 years. The aggregation active the activity advanced consists of an accomplished admixture of committed business, technical, hospitality, and real-estate professionals. In addition, key specialist admiral accommodate Mr. Siri Chomchan, the above carnality president of CP (Thailand’s better company) and Alexandar Borodich, architect of Universa-platform (the world’s fastest blockchain).
A alternative of accepted Oju Accommodation backdrop can be beheld on the accepted Airbnb by beat here.

During a contempo columnist event, Mr. Wu Di, Founder of Oju Hospitality Group was quoted as saying:

He went on to say:

The teams’ all-inclusive ability accustomed them to use self-invented blockchain technology and Proof of Stake Algorithms in adjustment to accommodate miners with an aberrant mining befalling to accomplish added accumulation than mining on the POW-based blockchain. This accumulated with the billow in accepted OjuT badge trading due to holders purchasing biking articles with the bread will accomplish this one of the best approved ICO tokens in history.

The barrage of this ICO is slated for December 8, 2024, at which time the accepted accessible can activate purchasing tokens. Market Analysts accept been admiration a able appeal for the badge which translates to surging prices already it lists on the exchange. It is not too backward to accompany the Oju Hospitality ICO, in actuality it is aloof the beginning.

To apprentice added about this ICO or the all-embracing aggregation at Oju Hospitality, appointment their official website or download their Whitepaper anon by clicking here.

Telegram group: https://t.me/OjuTcoin
Facebook: @OjuTcoin
Twitter: @OjuTcoin

Media Contact:

Oju Hospitality Group
Attn: Media Relations
49/22 Boat Avenue,
Bandon-Cherngtalay Road,
Cherngtalay, Thalang,
Phuket, Thailand 83110
66 87 267 7474
[email protected]

Images address of OjuT