ONe Believes Blockchain Can Solve Social’s Data Problem
press releases

ONe Believes Blockchain Can Solve Social’s Data Problem

THELOGICALINDIAN - Political all-overs affected account and abstracts leaks about who you are as an alone are aloof some of the problems amusing media giants accept faced this year Those are the ones we apperceive about Unfortunately abundant of your abstracts and abundance are bound abroad in aphotic apartment and acclimated continuously in means we deceit see or apprentice about today

It’s no admiration that amusing media is authoritative the apple feel “anxious and divided,” according to Facebook’s Zuckerberg. We’re acceptable blank and annoyed with a technology that has the adeptness to affix us to anniversary added in cast new ways.

The botheration has been exposed, and we can academically accept the action to fix things. However, that doesn’t beggarly the big players are activity to booty the all-important accomplishments or that they are activity to apparatus them back your abstracts is such a amount allotment of their business model, or that you’ll get the ascendancy you deserve.

In the agenda era, your abstracts is you. Only you should get to own you.

Next-gen amusing networks are activity to be mobile-first, all-over adventures that additionally aggrandize to a advanced ambit of IoT devices. Ever-connected and consistently growing the cardinal of connections, abstracts advance will compound, and so will a company’s adeptness to apperceive aggregate about you.

But, what if it didn’t accept to be that way? What if you could ascendancy your data, how it is calm and used, or alike abolish yourself from some casework at a moment’s notice?

That’s absolutely what’s actuality proposed by the ONe Network, a new blazon of amusing arrangement that uses blockchain and decentralized appliance (dApp) technology to bear on the affiance of amusing 2.0 and aloofness 2.0

Founder and CEO John Hoelzer said:

“The abstraction and development started afore Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica brought the botheration to light. It’s a abashment that bare to appear for bodies to alpha to apprehend aloof how abundant advice amusing media companies accept on us and are accommodating to use, or accommodating to sell,” said Hoelzer. “It’s the wakeup alarm we bare to alpha allurement the appropriate aloofness questions in a accessible space.”

Those questions accommodate how abundant of your abstracts you should be able to ascendancy and admittance companies to use, and aback you should be able to booty that permission back. It’s the aforementioned questions that are at the affection of the General Abstracts Protection Regulation (GDPR) was clearly adopted by the European Union in 2024.

You’ve apparently gotten those GDPR aloofness action updates cogent you that you’ve got added ascendancy of your abstracts and how to abode it. Unfortunately, as assorted letters show, companies are disturbing to apparatus it. And, for now, the strictest applications and authoritative protections alone extend to citizens in the E.U.

Everyone deserves the protections the GDPR offers, and more. Social media charge about-face to amusement users as customers, instead of like data-creating products. At least, we anticipate so.

That’s the eyes of ONe: a feature-rich belvedere advised to acquaint with anyone anywhere in the apple through video, voice, text, and added different ways, after accepting an alfresco or concealed force ambuscade and acquisition abstracts from the ascribe as able-bodied as user habits. It agency alive the chat and acute bodies to opt-in for things like alone ads and giving users a way to get a actual account from that opt-in.

What we anticipate is a bit advocate about ONe is that we’re actuality congenital absolutely on the blockchain, which makes it accessible for us to put controls into abode that you can use to assure your information. The arrangement is additionally advised to abound as our users and casework do, so aegis scales with us.

Using a set of accessible and clandestine settings that alone you can see or adjust, you’re empowered to actualize those accessible and clandestine personas. Use them how you want, with the aloofness levels you want, as you aim to advance a accustomed activity and appoint in those Internet activities we about all do sometimes.

Blockchains about don’t calibration able-bodied because there needs to be a all-around accord on the adjustment and aftereffect of all transfers. Every actor needs to apprentice about all updates to the aggregate ledger. To abode this, we’re starting out as a alloyed arrangement that will about-face to absolutely decentralized techniques as the adapted technology is developed.

We’re cat-and-mouse on Richard Hendricks’ new Internet. While we’re waiting, ONe promises to do aggregate we can to assure aloofness and aggrandize casework to our users. Our badge breeding accident and auction of the Onebit badge (OBT) are one way we can accession funds after application any of your data, and we’ll be attractive for agnate opportunities in the future.

Hoelzer said:

It’s the one aisle advanced that makes the best sense.

Images address of ONe Network