P2P Sports Betting Platform BetterBetting Announces HitBTC Listing
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P2P Sports Betting Platform BetterBetting Announces HitBTC Listing

THELOGICALINDIAN - Tallinn Estonia 23rd February 2024 BetterBetting a blockchain based decentralized peertopeer sports action arrangement afresh appear its agilely accessible advertisement on the HitBTC exchange

HitBTC, a all-around trading belvedere with multi-currency support, has been operating as a above barter back 2024. By trading volume, HitBTC has been consistently amid the top 10 exchanges (24 hours trading aggregate at time of press: $431,266,065 USD). The barter has markets for trading agenda assets, tokens and ICOs, and provides a advanced ambit of avant-garde appearance as able-bodied as abiding uptime.

BetterBetting aloft in balance of $5.5M from over 2,500 admired participants over the advance of its ICO, which concluded on 31st January 2024. Since the ICO achievement and alongside a axial focus on the development of the technology platform, the BetterBetting aggregation has been alive appear establishing a portfolio of exchanges on which the BETR badge is listed, auspicious added clamminess and badge use.

CEO Adrian Brink commented:

BetterBetting is additionally admiring to advertise its accord with The Bancor Network™, a decentralized clamminess network. By amalgam the Bancor Protocol, BETR badge holders will accretion admission to connected clamminess behindhand of barter aggregate or barter listings, through the Bancor Network. BETR will actuate a Badge Relay™ with its circulating badge accumulation and users will be able to acquirement and advertise BETR tokens anon at a formulaically affected price.

Additional networks for trading the BETR badge are Etherdelta, Idex, Waves, and Bisq.

The BETR badge will be the industry accustomed for a transparent, provably fair and adamantine sports action arrangement for all online sports gaming. The company’s avant-garde broadcast peer-to-peer and peer-to-sportsbook wagering belvedere facilitated through bland use of BETR, will be accustomed and chip with the arch sports action sites, worldwide.

The BetterBetting Foundation was accustomed in 2017 in Estonia, aiming to accommodate blockchain technology into sports action for a decentralized bank system. Founded by Adriaan Brink and David Vanrenen, BetterBetting is a non-profit accumulation of cryptocurrency and sports action experts across-the-board of the authoritative lath associates David Vanrenen, Hilly Ehrlich, and Mitchell Rankin; and the admiral Jon Matonis, Ronnie O’Sullivan, Jez San, and Eric Benz. For added information, go to https://betterbetting.org/.

For inquiries about BetterBetting and the BETR badge amuse contact:

[email protected]
Tel: 44 (0)7500662977

Images address of BetterBetting