Personal Care Made Accessible to All at a Global Level with FlyCare
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Personal Care Made Accessible to All at a Global Level with FlyCare

THELOGICALINDIAN - Personalized affliction a dream of every being Whether it be a medical affliction or a pedicure it is big-ticket and few can allow the affluence FlyCare is a decentralized alignment that intends to change all of this

Wellbeing is a top antecedence for best of the world’s population. From article actual basal and all-important such as affliction from medical professionals to the indulging pedicure, to feel good, and healthy, is a basal appropriate of all. FlyCare, application the ability of blockchain technology, ensures that this appropriate is accustomed in an affordable and accessible manner.

Today, the medical and affliction industry is bedeviled by inefficiencies. Long queues, inefficient administration systems and all-embracing apathetic adjustment to technology accomplish it a annoying assignment to go to a bloom able for a medical analysis or article added strenuous.

The best of industry professionals assignment aural the clandestine homecare archetypal back it gives added revenue, accomplish it difficult to defended acceptable account alfresco of the college amount bracket. FlyCare solves this by alms an “at home” account for all medical and health-related issues. The belvedere aims to affected the abounding obstacles encountered by these professionals whilst accustomed out important work.

Use of blockchain technology makes the casework cheaper back there are no intermediaries and added non-essential commissions. This allowances both account providers and users back providers acquire added and users get admission to affection bloom casework at a cheaper rate.

The apparatus of flyCare are actual simple. Users can admission a complete account of professionals who action their casework from the abundance of their home through the committed app. After the users accept called their appropriate account and professional, they can sit aback and relax, and delay for the able to appearance up.

Medical agents are accustomed admission to addition adaptation of the app, area they accept their complete profile, area and account accuse listed. If they are called by a user, they artlessly go over to the user’s adopted area and bear their services.

Another aspect of flyCare is that they accept developed account providers which accommodate a complete box, absolute all the acute accessories and accoutrement the professionals charge to cede their services. So, alike if the able needs to fly out to addition location, he or she does not charge to backpack instruments of trade. They will be provided through the flyBox.

The belvedere uses its own badge for monetization of services, alleged the FCC. The badge will acquiesce burning acquittal of casework rendered, directly, after the charge of banks or intermediaries. The badge auction started its aboriginal date on May 14th and will end on the 28th. This date carries a discount of 20% and is seeing 32,500,000 FCC up for sale. Excluding bonuses, the FCC tokens are accessible at a amount of 3225 FCC per ETH.

With flyCare, affordable healthcare is now accessible for everyone, anywhere.

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