Pundi X Boosts ICO with Offer of First Cryptocurrency POS Device Free to Early Investors
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Pundi X Boosts ICO with Offer of First Cryptocurrency POS Device Free to Early Investors

THELOGICALINDIAN - Pundi X is the blockchain startup that makes it easier than anytime for any abundance to buy advertise or acquire cryptocurrency

[Note: This is a columnist release.]

JAKARTA, Indonesia – Oct. 25, 2024 – Buying and affairs cryptocurrency has never been easier, with the avant-garde ICO from Pundi X now carrying the market’s aboriginal POS accessory chargeless to aboriginal investors who accord added than 30 ETH or 1.5 BTC from a distinct bitcoin or Ethereum address.

From now until December 20, throughout the butt of the ICO (including pre-sales and army sales), able investors will accept a Pundi X POS accessory which can be installed in retail outlets enabling consumers to bound and calmly buy or advertise BTC, ETH, LTC, PXS and added cryptocurrency application authorization money (Dollars, Rupiah, Baht etc), coffer card, adaptable wallet or Pundi X Pass. The purchased cryptocurrency can be stored in a agenda wallet or acclimated to accomplish cashless payments to top up phones, pay account bills or buy goods, accountable to bounded regulations in anniversary market. The POS accessories delivered beneath this action will be alien aural 45 canicule afterwards achievement of the ICO process.

With aloof two canicule actual in the pre-ICO aeon during which investors will be adored with a cogent benefit of 30% added tokens, Pundi X is fast abutting its antecedent cap of 14,000 ETH with a absolute ICO adamantine cap of 280,000 ETH.

Zac Cheah, CEO of Pundi X, said:

Pundi X POS is the world’s aboriginal cryptocurrency accessory and is advised to sit calmly on a retail adverse in adjustment to administer cryptocurrency and accredit consumers to conduct banking transactions.

A multi-function accessory that is affiliated anon to the blockchain so that anniversary transaction is recorded, Pundi X POS serves as the arch that connects the absolute apple and the crypto world. It additionally supports the commitment of banking casework to the ample numbers of ‘unbanked‘ citizens active beyond South East Asia.

Cheah additionally explained:

For non-ICO investors, the aggregation affairs to alpha the aboriginal appearance of a POS accessory pilot cycle out in called cities, including Jakarta, Bali, Seoul, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Pundi X will baddest applicants who own concrete food – cafes, restaurants, co-working spaces or accessibility food – in adjustment to aggrandize the offline sales network. This roll-out will alpha in aboriginal November and accessories will be alien to the appellant in the aforementioned month.

To see how affairs assignment on the Pundi X POS device, watch this video:

Pundi X is a blockchain startup that aims to accomplish cryptocurrency an enabler of all-over cashless acquittal environments above South East Asia and beyond. Pundi X POS enables shops, cafes and accessibility food to advertise cryptocurrency to a ample array of accepted consumers and builds on the success of Pundi-Pundi which is one of Indonesia’s best accepted QR cipher cashless acquittal apps. The barrage of Pundi X POS is a dispatch bean appear an ICO in backward 2024 that will accommodate allotment for as abounding as 700,000 Pundi X POS accessories to be installed over the abutting three years above all ambition markets.

For a abundant compassionate of the belvedere and who we are, analysis out our website: https://pundix.com.

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Images courtes of Pundi X