Quanta Partners with Coinfirm to Bring Compliance and Mass Adoption to Their Blockchain Lottery Platform
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Quanta Partners with Coinfirm to Bring Compliance and Mass Adoption to Their Blockchain Lottery Platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - Coinfirm to advice Quanta advance austere antimoney bed-making and counterterrorism costs blockage methods and accumulate acquiescence processes through the Coinfirm AMLCTF Platform

LONDON, UK, December 7, 2017Quanta has appear its affiliation with arch all-around adjustment technology aggregation Coinfirm to ensure actuality the aboriginal all-around and adjustable blockchain lottery.

Quanta has enlisted Coinfirm to advice analyze and break problems accompanying to accomplishing and advancement acquiescence and adhering to regulations. Through its API and structured reports, Coinfirm will advice Quanta advance austere AML/CTF and artifice blockage methods, accumulate the acquiescence action and accord Quanta the adeptness to cautiously apprehend its abeyant and goals.

Gaming is one of the best heavily adapted industries in the world, and actuality a avant-garde requires accurate affliction and absorption to accustomed requirements. Achieving abounding acquiescence is one of Quanta’s best important goals and the aggregation are demography cogent accomplish to ensure success through a cardinal accord with Coinfirm.

Coinfirm is globally accustomed for their Blockchain AML/CTF Platform that uses over 200 proprietary algorithms, accident abatement scenario’s and big abstracts assay to bear structured, actionable data,  increasing ability and streamlining acquiescence to abreast automation. The Platform additionally serves as the foundation for cryptocurrency and blockchain acceptance by acceptable banking entities and paves the way for accumulation markets. Headquartered in London, the aggregation is establishing industry acquiescence standards for blockchain affairs acknowledgment to its aggregate of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology ability and acquaintance alive with above banking institutions, regulators, tech companies and start-ups.

Adam Vaziri, Chief Regulatory Officer at Quanta, commented:

In accession to the specialized casework provided and collective development, Pawel Kuskowski, the Co-Founder and CEO of Coinfirm will accompany Quanta as an adviser to carefully assignment with the activity to ensure that Quanta becomes the aboriginal anytime blockchain-based action that is absolutely compliant.

An administrator and authoritative AML/CFT and acquiescence anticipation leader, Pawel is a above All-around Head of AML/CFT/Sanction Functions for above all-embracing banks. He has over 14 years acquaintance in the banking area and is the Chairman of the Acquiescence Association of Poland. Pawel is additionally an innovator in the appliance of blockchain technology aural banking systems and has all-encompassing acquaintance administering all-around projects for all-embracing banking institutions that abet with authoritative authorities.

Kuskowski said:

The two companies are bringing the apple its aboriginal adapted blockchain-based action and in accomplishing so are establishing new levels of angary for the accomplished blockchain ecosystem by adopting standards and ambience new benchmarks for the industry.

Coinfirm has additionally added addition affection to the AML/CTF Platform with the absolution of their AMLT Token. The Badge of Compliance, AMLT is advised to enhance accuracy and democratization aural the banking arrangement by acceptance bazaar participants to advice actuate the abeyant accident of others as able-bodied as act as the account badge that allows the holder admission rights to the Coinfirm AML/CTF Platform and a ambit of prepaid products. Currently in Pre Sale, the AMLT accessible badge auction begins December 12th at 3 pm UTC and is accessible anon through the AMLT site.

Coinfirm serves as a foundation for the safe acceptance and use of blockchain. The Coinfirm AML/CTF Belvedere uses proprietary algorithms and big abstracts assay to accommodate structured, actionable abstracts that increases efficiency, reduces costs and streamlines acquiescence to abreast automation. A accustomed baton in their acreage and amid the best affecting blockchain and regtech companies, the blockchain doubter belvedere allowances not alone companies operating about blockchain but additionally above banking institutions, asset management, and BI companies. In addition, Coinfirm develops committed blockchain solutions such as their abstracts ancestry belvedere Trudatum, currently actuality piloted for acceptance by assorted banking institutions. Trudatum is an accessible to use blockchain band-aid to annals and verify the buying and actuality of any blazon of document, file, or data. www.coinfirm.io

Quanta is a beat technology aggregation that develops and accouterments breakthrough, blockchain-based articles and services. Quanta is currently advancing for the all-around barrage of their arch artefact – Quanta Lottery. The aboriginal absolutely adjustable blockchain action in the world, Quanta is congenital on the Ethereum blockchain and utilizes acute affairs to ensure absolutely autonomous, manipulation-immune gaming. Developed with advance RNG (random cardinal generation), the aboriginal provably fair action can accomplish apart or by adopted as a white characterization solution. Quanta additionally actively researches the means in which its proprietary technologies can be implemented by assorted fields and industries.

For added advice about Quanta appointment their company website or email them at [email protected].

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