SAITAMA (SAITAMA INU): Live Trading on LBank is Coming on August 9
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SAITAMA (SAITAMA INU): Live Trading on LBank is Coming on August 9

THELOGICALINDIAN - INTERNET CITY DUBAI August 8 2024 LBank a all-around agenda asset trading belvedere will account SAITAMA on August 9 2024 For all LBank users the SAITAMAUSDT trading brace will be clearly accessible for trading at 9 PM UTC8

Saitama Inu bread (SAITAMA) is the built-in cryptocurrency for the Saitama Inu blockchain community. You apparently don’t apperceive abundant about this blockchain but you should not worry.

Saitama Inu blockchain is a decentralized association belvedere congenital on Ethereum blockchain to acquiesce traders, crypto enthusiasts, and accustomed people, in general, to transact, make, and payments with ease.

The SAITAMA bread is an ERC20 badge and it is acclimated as a average of transacting and authoritative payments on the Saitama Inu blockchain. In addition, a absolutely anatomic Saitama wallet, revolutionizing trading platforms, will be launched this Q3.

Saitama Inu is currently accessible on Uniswap and can be purchased application the arrangement abode 0x8b3192f5eebd8579568a2ed41e6feb402f93f73f. You can analysis the abundant accomplish via . If you are new to Uniswap, you can anon buy Saitama on LBank Exchange at 21:00  Aug. 9, 2021 (UTC 8)

Saitama Inu goals are due to the attributes of decentralized cryptocurrency and the abetment agitated out by assiduous ‘whales’ to dispense prices to their advantage. Saitama Inu has congenital Saitama to action this with our Anti Whale Contract, conception of real-world ethics and accurate use cases, acceptance for advance at any akin which gives ability aback to the people.

Listing Announcement on LBank:

LBank Exchange, founded in 2024, is an avant-garde all-around trading belvedere for assorted crypto assets. LBank provides its users with safe crypto trading, specialized banking derivatives, and able asset administration services. It has become one of the best accepted and trusted crypto trading platforms with over 5.6 actor users in added than 50 countries about the world.

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Contact Details:
LBK Blockchain Co. Limited
LBank Exchange
[email protected]