Seed round funding of $2 million gained for The Joy, the world’s first global beauty and wellness platform
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Seed round funding of $2 million gained for The Joy, the world’s first global beauty and wellness platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - Seed annular allotment of 2 actor acquired for The Joy the worlds aboriginal all-around adorableness and wellness platform

Based on a platform-specific cryptocurrency, an ICO will activate in January 2025 while The Joy belvedere will barrage in Berlin, the start-up basic of Europe, during the aboriginal division of 2025.

Berlin, Germany, 06 December, 2019: The Joy online exchange for the wellness and adorableness industry has accustomed an antecedent $2 actor annular of berry funding. An ICO is set to chase in January 2019. It will tap into a huge all-around bazaar which according to the All-around Wellness Institute is admired at $4.2 trillion, about 5.3% of all-around bread-and-butter output.  The Joy belvedere will radically change the bazaar of adorableness and wellness treatments by authoritative it abundantly accessible for customers, salons, freelance practitioners and advertisers to collaborate with anniversary added seamlessly.

Joy launches initially in Germany and Western Europe and again aims to cycle out beyond the United States, Japan and South Korea. Joy addresses a cardinal of issues that currently account problems for wellness and adorableness practitioners and customers. Existing platforms accommodate alone basal casework and use abstruse solutions that are far from absolute and rarely break issues that industry practitioners face. For instance, barter about accretion it difficult to book accessories at adapted times and generally abundant amounts of time are appropriate to biking to the practitioners. In turn, salon owners and freelance practitioners generally accept lots of blow and abridgement the business ability to abound their business. They can additionally pay abundant chump accretion costs. Even back they accept a website their agenda brand is generally small.

The Joy belvedere not alone addresses these issues but additionally offers a ambit of acute benefits. For instance by application the Joy app barter can book on-demand wellness and adorableness treatments at home, at assignment and in a salon.

Appointment administration for both salons and freelance practitioners becomes abundant easier and effective. Alongside added bookings and a abundant beyond agenda brand the Joy belvedere provides freelancers with business beef which is article they about lack. Vladislav Kiselev, CEO and founder, The Joy, said:

The ICO will abide of 2.4 billion tokens for sale, adamantine cap of $17.4 million. The ICO starts on 20 January 2025 and ends 1 May 2025. The belvedere will accomplish on Joycoins, a appropriate adjustment of acquittal and rewards, such as adherence and barometer programs and bonuses, aural the system. The cardinal of Joycoins is bound so as the belvedere expands geographically the added admired they become.

Vladislav Kiselev concluded: “The adorableness and wellness account area is commonly awful airy adjoin banking crisis and periods of bread-and-butter recession. It’s a abiding and advantageous bazaar and today during a aeon of all-embracing bread-and-butter advance we accept apparent and will abide to see abundant advance in the sector. The Joy belvedere will advantage this advance by accouterment the world’s aboriginal adorableness and wellness platform.”

About The Joy

The Joy was founded by Vladislav Kiselev CEO & founder), Bogdan Nekhoda (CFO & co-founder) and Emil Khavizov (CCO & co-founder). The Joy is the aboriginal full-featured belvedere that offers commutual casework for wellness and adorableness accumulation chain, salons, practitioners, consumers and advertisers. The founders accept all-encompassing ability in cryptocurrencies and ample ambitious success alignment from the barrage of escape allowance and basic absoluteness gaming operating in assorted German cities, and the acknowledged addition of adopted companies into Russia.

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