The First EOS Sportsbook DApp will be on Dice.One, Powered by Monster Byte
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The First EOS Sportsbook DApp will be on Dice.One, Powered by Monster Byte

THELOGICALINDIAN - British Columbia Canada May 31st 2024 B2B crypto iGaming avant-garde Monster Byte is admiring to accomplice with amusing gaming belvedere DiceOne to acquaint the aboriginal Sportsbook decentralized appliance DApp on the EOS platform

Dice is one of the ascent stars in the Gaming DApp area on the new-look EOS blockchain, with its massive volumes in comedy beyond dice, poker, baccarat, blackjack, action and added allowance actuate EOS to new heights in transactional aggregate and utility

According to Dapp.Review analytics, EOS is the arch aerialist amid acute arrangement belvedere competitors in agreement of users, with over 133,000 users as in May of 2024, compared to over 60,000 and 15,000 for TRON and ETH networks respectively. This has resulted in over 3.4 actor affairs account over USD $22.6 million. All this on aloof over 500 DApps, with over 70% of them in the casino/gaming category.

And with the Top 5 bank DApps on EOS recording some $10.5M in circadian transaction aggregate amid them, you can be abiding there is a accessible and accommodating gaming association who will be acquisitive to accept a Sportsbook to action with!

This absolute accord will see one of the ascent gaming stars on EOS belvedere advantage the Monster Byte Sportsbook technology to ability the network’s countdown sports action offering.

Not alone will this DApp assuredly acquiesce the growing EOS user abject to admission a advanced ambit of action curve on a absolute account of sports markets – but they will be able to do so alms the best allowance and everyman margins that the Monster Byte cast has continued been associated with.

About Dice.One

After beneath than a year afterwards exploding assimilate the scene, Dice.One is one of the top DApps on EOS – and the best accepted Dice-related DApp, with over 1500 circadian users transacting some 500k EOS weekly.

About Monster Byte Inc.

Launched in 2016, Monster Byte is a technology aggregation which offers a array of articles and solutions for online gaming operators ample and small. Their offerings accommodate Provably Fair Casino Games, and a certain Sportsbook which leverages avant-garde bogus intelligence and apparatus acquirements to intelligently account accident for operators. More advice can be begin on