THELOGICALINDIAN - Only 50K amid the millions of website owners will account from application acute algorithms to personalize their websites Or from renting their UKTs out
A website is a accepted affair for presenting your aggregation or artefact on the Internet – over 80% of businesses use landing pages in their online marketing. But actual few of them administer to clothier one folio to accommodated altered customer habits and preferences. A activating agreeable website is the answer, but usually, you charge to body and analysis dozens of folio versions manually to actualize it.
Or… you can allotment website statistics with added website owners via blockchain agreement to alternation AI and let it body and advance absolute activating landing pages for you. That’s how your website will adapt for visitors and consistently evolve.
And that’s what uKit Group absolutely offers. All you charge is to alteration an absolute website or actualize a new one on uKit’s platforms — and the blow will be done by the algorithms. The aggregation already has a ancestor of the AI-based website redesign service. The aftermost aspect of the absolute activating website compound is the abstracts on how and why altered types of bodies buy on the web. Such abstracts is already stored and accurately awash by ample DMP platforms to ample businesses so they can use personalization in their marketing.
Eugeny Kurt, CEO and co-founder of uKit AI activity and its mother company, says:
The accepted bazaar botheration is that most websites are endemic by baby businesses: they can’t allow to buy absorbing amounts of abstracts and capacities to action that, and personalization is absurd after it. Being a big company, uKit can buy the bulk amount of abstracts from DMPs, put it into a blockchain-based accumulator and body the ecosystem area every actor will accept admission to ready-to-use AI personalization tools.
UKT badge holders may hire their tokens out to added website owners or pay with them for AI personalizations of their own websites if necessary.
You can restore your badge antithesis by administration stats on how your website’s visitors collaborate with customized pages. This abstracts is calm for added AI training: it’s abstract and a blockchain log contains a arbitrary about the abstracts added by anniversary affiliate and the estimated cardinal of tokens that will be transferred to them as a reward.
Irina Cherepanova, CMO and co-founder of the project, explains:
uKit issues tokens, and 55% go on sale. You charge at atomic 10.000 UKTs to become an ecosystem affiliate — that’s $200.
So, alone about 50K or beneath bodies will be able to authority tokens at one moment, and according to Google, added than 40% of businesses in the apple accept websites already.
After the ICO that is captivated from February to April, badge holders will be able to use tokens anon for chargeless website hosting on uKit website architect — and tokens won’t expire. The accomplished ecosystem will be launched aural a year afterwards the ICO is completed, and the aggregation associates will get their allotment of tokens aural 1.5 years.
The amount aggregation is addition able point of the project. It’s the third big artefact for accumulation website architecture for them together. Their aboriginal website architect alleged uCoz became the best acclimated apparatus in the CIS countries. uKit, the additional one, got over 1M users common aural a brace of years. This year the aggregation is absolution uLanding — a landing folio architect to ambition the admirers of marketers that assignment for SMBs. Both uKit and uLanding will become the genitalia of uKit AI website personalizing ecosystem.
Images address of uKit