World-Class Crypto Expert and Top Ranked Advisor at ICObench, Vladimir Nikitin, Becomes an Official Advisor to Decoin
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World-Class Crypto Expert and Top Ranked Advisor at ICObench, Vladimir Nikitin, Becomes an Official Advisor to Decoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - DECOIN is appreciative to advertise that worldclass cryptocurrency able Vladimir Nikitin is abutting the Decoin team

Speaking about his accommodation to accompany the Decoin team, Nikitin said:

Vladimir Nikitin, who has managed to body a solid acceptability aural the banking bazaar by alive in the legal, finance, retail and IT industries for over 10 years, is accepted to accompany admired insights to the DECOIN Trading and Exchange platform. Mr. Nikitin is additionally a amorous apostle and adherent of blockchain technology and will adviser the aggregation abaft Decoin on the alley to creating and establishing one of the best attainable and accessible to accumulation from cryptocurrencies in today’s banking market. Vladimir Nikitin is advised as one of the top able experts and admiral and works with called ICOs in the CIS arena only.

Decoin is a Blockchain-based decentralized cryptocurrency that is developing the Decoin Trading and Exchange Platform (D-TEP). Decoin is planning its Initial Coin Alms (ICO) in mid-2018, and is alms the following:

More advice is accessible on the official website: or through the official e-mail, area abutment can be accomplished at any time:

Images address of Decoin