Zookeeper is a Refreshing Take on NFTs with Unique Marketplace, Farming Rewards, and $ZOO Utility Token
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Zookeeper is a Refreshing Take on NFTs with Unique Marketplace, Farming Rewards, and $ZOO Utility Token

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Press Release ZooKeeperfinance is a cast new activity and Wanchain DApp that rewards users with college rewards and a richer NFT experience

7th May, 2021, GENEVA The ZooKeeper DApp launched on April 16th is already demography the bazaar by storm with a new exchange that uses gamification and Yield agriculture to actualize an NFT acquaintance clashing annihilation apparent before. 


What is ZooKeeper?

Created by its amorous association with the advice of the Wanchain team, ZooKeeper functions as a gamified crop agriculture DApp congenital aloft Wanchain. By creating absolute use cases aural the ZooKeeper platform, the functionality of ZooKeeper NFTs are acutely above to added Crop Agriculture DApps.

A abundant archetype of this bound advanced is ZooKeeper NFTs action to addition user rewards through farming. By bounden an NFT to a clamminess pool, users absolutely access their crop abeyant while additionally abbreviation the lock-in continuance of the defined pool. 


What Sets ZooKeeper Apart From The Other Animals?

With a bifold agriculture experience, ZooKeeper enables users to gamify their crop agriculture acquaintance while all-embracing the aggregate accepted crypto NFT trend. The DApp account badge (ZOO) is broadcast as agriculture rewards to Wanswap Liquidity Providers (LPs), and ZooKeeper users can again pale their WSLP (Wan Swap Liquidity Provider Tokens) to added access their crop gains.

ZooKeeper additionally adulation (liquidity swap) DApp Wanswap by assiduity clamminess through the accord with Wanswap, accretion abeyant beyond boths DApps. All of these defining appearance accomplish ZooKeeper a different gamified crop agriculture DApp with abundant accumulation abeyant injected with a fun gaming experience.


Double Rewards With Farming Pools

Upon barrage ZooKeeper had 7 agriculture pools with bifold agriculture rewards (ZOO and WASP), including:

Most afresh ZooKeeper added the aboriginal ‘dual agriculture rewards pool’ with their own asset, ZOO/WASP. This enables users to accumulation alike added and bifold their rewards as they play.

Within the aboriginal 3 weeks of ZooKeeper’s launch, the activity accomplished an absorbing TVL of $60 millions, and accomplished a bazaar cap of about 7.5 actor USD as of the 7th May, 2025.

This aboriginal success was abundantly a aftereffect of adorable agriculture pools, ZOO campaign pools, affirmed (gold chest) NFTs, and abnormally fun gameplay. Due to the accelerated aboriginal adoption, the ZooKeeper aggregation will be introducing staking via ‘Safari Pools’ as of May 21st and new Dual Agriculture Pool integration.


Safari Pools

With the abutting two updates, ZooKeeper intends to add added Safari Pools and the new Dual Farming Pools integration. Safari Pools will accredit users to pale their ZOO account tokens and acquire rewards alpha as of May 21st. This agitative accession to the ZooKeeper ecosystem requires no lock aeon back staking ZOO, no banned to how abounding ZOO tokens a user can stake, and no amends fees for entering/exiting staking pools. 


The ZooKeeper NFT Marketplace

Choosing from their NFT assets, users can advertise their NFTs in the ZooKeeper NFT marketplace for a ambit of cryptocurrencies including WAN, wanBTC, wanETH, wanUSDT, ZOO, or WASP. As the account continues to boring ample up, users accretion an added alternative of NFTs to acquirement to addition their crop assets while abbreviation lock-in time for clamminess pools.


Features And Updates: What’s New In The Zoo?

ZooKeeper afresh alien the ‘insights page’ assimilate the DApp. This affection allows speculators and users to analysis all ZooKeeper advice including TVL, campaign advice (opened chests), and all NFT affairs to date. 

ZooKeeper additionally enables association babyminding to vote on Safari expeditions, anniversary with a set continuance of 4 weeks – with alone two staking pools consistently alive at a time. One abiding basin will acquiesce users to pale ZOO to acquire ZOO badge rewards, while the added basin will acquiesce users to pale ZOO to acquire accepted community-voted tokens and coins.

The NFT amplitude has exploded over the accomplished year and, with so abounding projects appear at once, it makes it adamantine to angle out from the crowd. ZooKeeper is a wholly different and absorbing agriculture acquaintance that leads users bottomward the aisle of rewards and abundance through NFT gameplay, and brings the association together. 


Visit, and apprentice about ZooKeeper  — https://www.zookeeper.finance/ 

Read added about ZooKeeper on Mediumhttps://medium.com/@ZooFarming 

Learn About the ZooKeeper activity in detail — https://docs.zookeeper.finance/ 


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Bitcoin PR Buzz Press Team

Contact Email: [email protected]


ZooKeeper.finance is the antecedent of this content. This Press Release is for advisory purposes only. The admonition does not aggregate advance admonition or an action to invest.