ZooKeeper Launch OpenZoo.io, The Ultimate NFT Marketplace
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ZooKeeper Launch OpenZoo.io, The Ultimate NFT Marketplace

THELOGICALINDIAN - Press absolution Yield agriculture dApp ZooKeeper is appreciative to advertise the barrage of its different NFT exchange OpenZooio which went alive on January 3rd 2022

5th January 2022, GENEVA, Switzerland OpenZoo.io is a new NFT marketplace, and one of the better developments from crop agriculture dApp ZooKeeper aback the barrage of ZooKeeper.finance aback in April 2021. OpenZoo is the affection of the ZooKeeper ecosystem and a different belvedere advised to affect artists of all mediums, whilst accouterment them with the accoutrement to bear different creations to the world.

A Not So Ordinary NFT Marketplace

There are abounding things that set OpenZoo afar from added agnate NFT marketplaces but the best arresting aberration is the aberration of creations that the belvedere supports. Upon launch, OpenZoo enables the advertisement of no beneath than 8 altered categories, including:

With added different mediums like 3D, video, and complete creations accurate by the platform, OpenZoo absolutely is an NFT exchange for all artists and patrons. OpenZoo has heavily focused on artists’ collections to animate capricious styles of NFT art and accredit artists to abound their brand, or advice bazaar their activity globally.

Other OpenZoo Benefits

Unlike added agnate marketplaces, it is chargeless to actualize and account NFT collections on OpenZoo.

Creators can additionally set royalties for their NFT collections, enabling them to set a allotment cut for approaching resales, while auctions acquiesce buyers to bid for the account on auction and accommodate a assets amount for the agent to choose.

Another added account of OpenZoo is that the network’s low gas fees beggarly that artists are not pressured to compensate their NFT minting costs by anon affairs creations. In actuality the belvedere offers chargeless gas to all newcomers as illustrated here.
Additionally, artists that appetite to abstracted themselves from the assemblage can acquire an clearly accustomed brand through an OpenZoo analysis action that anxiously checks the agent of their artwork and its legitimacy.

OpenZoo.io: Open to Everyone

ZooKeeper has advised OpenZoo to be an adorning exchange for artists of all styles, and mediums. Artists, photographers, musicians, video makers, 3D designers, bold designers, complete creators, and alike artists whose assignment bleeds amid these categories are all acceptable to accompany and advertise their creations. With such a advanced array of categories, the OpenZoo exchange has the abeyant to host bottomless possibilities of art creations.

ZooKeeper believes that a belvedere that allows the affiliation of as abounding altered forms of aesthetic media is the ultimate ambiance for the advance of the all-around NFT art association and capital to the change of the added NFT exchange environment.

Connecting to OpenZoo.io

Users and artists can calmly affix to OpenZoo via a accurate MetaMask wallet which charge be affiliated to the Wanchain network. Right now the $ZOO badge is the alone bill acclimated in the OpenZoo marketplace.

As of the time of autograph the OpenZoo NFT exchange has been online for 36hrs, already beyond 630,000 $ZOO in trading volume, and 100 absolute accumulating listings. Interested parties can analysis out the OpenZoo exchange here for a glimpse into the approaching of NFT art.

OpenZoo Links

Market | Collections | Docs

ZooKeeper Links

App | Medium | Telegram | Twitter | Docs

Media Contact Details

Contact Name: David
Contact Email: [email protected]


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