Coingeek Conference 2024: Bitcoin Cash Innovation Shines in Hong Kong

Coingeek Conference 2024: Bitcoin Cash Innovation Shines in Hong Kong

THELOGICALINDIAN - On May 18 2024 the blockchain close Coingeek hosted its countdown Coingeek Conference captivated this year in Hong Kong The accident was abounding with movers and shakers from the Bitcoin Cash BCH ecosystem alongside hundreds of BCH supporters attractive to change the way the worlds money works

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Coingeek Conference 2024: Spreading the Word of Bitcoin Cash Adoption in Hong Kong

Coingeek captivated up its Bitcoin Cash-focused conference that aimed at overextension the bulletin of the abounding allowances BCH has to offer. The accident was captivated in Hong Kong, at the comfortable Four Seasons Hotel, and had a advanced array of industry innovators from company’s like, Bitmain, Yours, Centbee, Handcash, Nchain, Lokad,, and more. Moreover, attendees listened to keynote presentations from Ryan X Charles, Jihan Wu, Dr. Craig Wright, Roger Ver, Joannes Vermorel, Vin Armani, Steven Bower, and Jimmy Nguyen amid abounding appropriate guests.

Bitcoin Cash Powering Online Commerce

The accident kicked off with Nchain’s Jimmy Nguyen who discussed the latest Nchain BCH-focused endeavor alleged ‘Bcommerce.’ Nguyen’s allocution alleged ‘A Bcomm World: How Bitcoin Cash will Power the approaching of ‘Bcommerce,’ got the army accursed up over how BCH proponents plan to advance accumulation adoption. The abstraction of Bcommerce aims to accommodate a all-around acquittal arrangement on-chain, with low agency fees, and fast transactions. Nguyen capacity how the close is researching and developing on-chain techniques for Bitcoin Cash, aegis improvements, bigger user interfaces and APIs, and best of all merchant adoption.

Compared to Swift — It is Wonderful to Use Cryptocurrencies as a Payment Method

After Nguyen’s accent on Bcommerce, the Coingeek army was greeted by the CEO of Bitmain Technologies Jihan Wu. Mr. Wu’s presentation alleged “The Future of Crypto Economy and Bitcoin Cash,” declared how proponents can added bolster BCH adoption. Mr. Wu additionally discussed the accountable of antecedent bread offerings (ICOs) acceptable in allotment because BCH may accept the adeptness to aftermath black bill soon. Mr. Wu abundant to the attendees that ICO’s accept become a “buzzword” and some for the amiss reasons.

Furthermore, Mr. Wu said abounding ICOs are ambiguous and the cryptocurrency industry should “work carefully with regulators instead of alive carefully with lawyers.” Moreover, Mr. Wu joined a panel with’s Roger Ver, and Nchain’s Dr. Craig Wright and explained how a behemothic tech aggregation like Bitmain begin cogent flaws with the Swift cyberbanking system. As far as barter application agenda assets for payments Mr. Wu thinks it is abundant and far added able than Swift.    

“It is actual admirable to use cryptocurrencies as a acquittal adjustment — Basically our barter go to the banks and say they appetite to wire $1 actor dollars to Bitmain and they can say no — You charge to accord them a reason, you charge to accord them a contract, and this and that,” explains Mr. Wu.   

Bitcoin ABC’s Amaury Sechet: Working to Increase Scaling Further

Following the altercation with Mr. Wu, the Coingeek army was greeted by the Lead developer of Bitcoin ABC, Amaury Sechet, who abundant his abstruse eyes for a all-around acquittal system. Sechet explains how Bitcoin Cash is continuing appear the aboriginal roadmap that Satoshi Nakamoto laid out in his original white paper.

The developer continues by answer how BCH can already handle Paypal calibration volumes, and for bargain arrangement fees. After the BCH developers completed a acknowledged advancement aloof a few canicule prior, Sechet reveals to the Coingeek admirers that they are “working to access ascent further.”

Purse is Launching a New Bitcoin Cash Implementation Called ‘Bcash’

Attendees at the countdown Coingeek appointment additionally heard from Nchain’s Dr. Craig Wright who talked about new means to advertise and barter appurtenances with BCH in a presentation blue-blooded ‘Bitcoin’s Atomic Age.’ Participants heard from Centbee’s CEO Lorien Gamaroff and the agitative BCH wallet they are alive on. Joannes Vermorel the architect of Lokad told the crowd about how proponents can affected eCommerce hurdles with Bitcoin Cash.

Additionally, Coingeek attendees heard a console on BCH use cases from industry leaders such as Alex Gut of Handcash, Vin Armani of Cointext, Angela Holowaychuk of Ncrypt, and Steven Bower from

Bower told the army about a new Bitcoin Cash applicant that will be appear anon alleged ‘Bcash’ that’s agnate to implementations like the ABC, BU, or XT clients. Alongside this, the army was admiring to apprehend is application BCH for built-in support. Overall the spirit was aerial in Hong Kong at the 2018 Coingeek event, and anybody who abounding was absolutely optimistic afterwards the acknowledged angle a few canicule ago.

Did you appear the Coingeek Conference 2024? Let us apperceive your thoughts on this accident in the comments below. 

Images via, Mike Malley, Marcel Chuo, and the associated logos and companies pictured.

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