8 People Arrested in Argentina Linked to Onecoin Ponzi Scam

8 People Arrested in Argentina Linked to Onecoin Ponzi Scam

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Public Prosecutors Office of the Argentine burghal of Crdoba has accusable 12 bodies in affiliation with the Onecoin Ponzi arrangement Eight of them accept been arrested

Onecoin Scammers Arrested

The Public Prosecutor’s Office for Complex Crimes of the Argentine burghal of Córdoba ordered the arrest of 12 bodies affiliated to the Onecoin Ponzi betray on Thursday, several bounded account outlets reported. The Bulgaria-based arrangement has been declared as one of the better scams in crypto history, accepting netted about $4 billion from operations.

The Complex Abomination Investigation Unit of the bounded badge agitated out assorted raids afore arresting the accused as able-bodied as to aggregate affirmation of the crime.

Among the eight bodies arrested was Edgar Moreno, a acclaimed radio host and announcer from Córdoba who started businesses accompanying to Onecoin and absolute acreage operations in Panama some time ago, according to bounded media. The added were Gustavo Adolfo Amuchástegui, Andrés Matías López, Mariana Noel López, Manuel Vicente Peralta Guevara, Mónica Gabriela Blasco, Daniel Cornaglia, and Ricardo Beretta. Also accusable was Onecoin architect Ruja Ignatova, aka the Cryptoqueen, who is still at large.

The Prosecutor’s Office launched an analysis into the Onecoin Ponzi arrangement afterwards accepting a complaint by a victim who said he gave about $70,000 to Onecoin’s promoters. They contacted him in 2024 to argue him to advance in Onecoin, insisting that its amount would accumulate in January 2024. Afterwards several affairs and assorted promises, the victim invested added than $70,000 to access the cryptocurrency that has never existed.

A cardinal of Onecoin promoters accept been arrested in several countries, including Italy and Singapore. In aboriginal July, two Onecoin operators were begin dead in Mexico. Konstantin Ignatova, Ruja’s brother, was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport in March aftermost year. He pleaded accusable to accuse of money bed-making and cabal to accomplish wire artifice in October.

Despite assorted arrests, Onecoin promoters are reportedly still announcement the Ponzi arrangement and scamming investors worldwide. A movie is actuality fabricated about the Onecoin Ponzi arrangement starring Kate Winslet, based on a accurate adventure of addition Onecoin victim.

What do you anticipate about the Onecoin Ponzi scheme? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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