Report: Chinese Customs Authority Confiscates 49 Old ASIC Antminers

Report: Chinese Customs Authority Confiscates 49 Old ASIC Antminers

THELOGICALINDIAN - Chinese authorities abide to crackdown adjoin bitcoin miners afterwards they bedeviled 49 secondhand Bitmain ASIC Antminers from bearding individuals that afresh attempted to bootleg in the accessories application biased abstracts

Devices to Be Disposed of in Accordance With Regulations

Huangpu Customs of China’s Guangdong Province has said it bedeviled 49 acclimated bitcoin (BTC) miners from an bearding affair that was attempting to bootleg the accessories into the country. Bounded letters say the old machines will be disposed of in accordance with bounded regulations.

According to a report appear on Monday, the declared smugglers had acclimated apocryphal advice in their consign documents. However, aloft inspection, authorities apparent the assignment was not comprised of shoe materials, as declared in the “export document,” the address said. Instead, the assignment consisted of what some letters say are old ASIC miners.

This latest access of the mining accessories by Chinese authorities comes as the country continues its crackdown adjoin bitcoin miners. The crackdown has already apparent China relinquish its cachet as the world’s cardinal one bitcoin mining country. Additionally as reported by News, the crackdown has additionally spurred crypto mining activities in China’s adjoining states like Thailand and Kazakhstan.

Rectification of Mining Activities

Meanwhile, the advertisement of Huangpu Customs’ access of the old ASIC Antminers came aloof canicule afterwards addition Chinese regulator, Shandong Development and Reform Commission (SDRC), appear the absolution of a certificate blue-blooded “Report on Rectification of Virtual Currency Mining Activities.”

According to the China-based website 8btc, the regulator, through this certificate announced the alpha of the administration of blast curve for “rectification” of crypto mining activities at the bigoted and borough levels.

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