US House Passes Bill Mandating SEC and CFTC to Establish Working Group Focused on Digital Assets

US House Passes Bill Mandating SEC and CFTC to Establish Working Group Focused on Digital Assets

THELOGICALINDIAN - The US House of Representatives has anesthetized a cryptorelated bill alien by probitcoin Congressman Patrick McHenry It requires the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC to authorize a alive accumulation focused on agenda assets

Bill to ‘Ensure Collaboration Between Regulators and Private Sector’ on Cryptocurrency

The U.S. House of Representatives anesthetized several bipartisan bills on Tuesday, including H.R. 1602, alien by pro-bitcoin Congressman Patrick McHenry, the Republican baton of the House Financial Services Committee.

H.R. 1602, advantaged “Eliminate Barriers to Addition Act of 2024,” will “establish a agenda asset alive accumulation to ensure accord amid regulators and the clandestine area to advance innovation,” the board described.

McHenry explained:

The bill states that the alive accumulation shall be accustomed no afterwards than 90 canicule afterwards the date of its enactment.

In addition, the bill requires that the associates of the alive accumulation accommodate at atomic one adumbrative from fintech companies that accommodate agenda asset articles or services, banking firms adapted by the SEC or CFTC, institutions affianced in bookish analysis or advancement apropos to agenda asset use, baby fintech businesses, broker aegis organizations, and institutions that abutment advance in historically-underserved businesses.

The alive accumulation shall abide a address no afterwards than one year afterwards the achievement of the bill to the SEC, the CFTC, and the accordant committees, the bill notes.

The address charge accommodate authoritative assay and recommendations accompanying to the laws and regulations beneath the administration of the SEC or the CFTC. The recommendations are “for the creation, maintenance, and advance of primary and accessory markets in agenda assets, including for convalescent the fairness, orderliness, integrity, efficiency, transparency, availability, and ability of such markets.” They charge additionally awning the “standards apropos custody, clandestine key management, cybersecurity, and business chain apropos to agenda asset intermediaries.” The bill, which now active to the Senate, can be begin here.

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