US Lawmakers Push for Urgent Stablecoin Regulation — Fed Warns of Stablecoin Runs, Janet Yellen Cites UST Fiasco

US Lawmakers Push for Urgent Stablecoin Regulation — Fed Warns of Stablecoin Runs, Janet Yellen Cites UST Fiasco

THELOGICALINDIAN - As US assembly advance for the burning adjustment of stablecoins the Banking Adherence Oversight Council FSOC and the Federal Reserve Board acquaint about the risks of stablecoin runs that abuse the countrys banking adherence Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen brought up the terrausd UST abortion as an archetype of why a absolute authoritative framework is actively needed

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Testifies Before Senate Committee

Stablecoins accept become a hot affair in Washington. Following Monday’s terrausd (UST) fiasco, U.S. assembly are calling for the burning adjustment of stablecoins.

On Tuesday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen brought up UST as an archetype of a “stablecoin run” during her affidavit afore the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs on the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) Annual Report.

Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) asked Yellen to affirm her appearance on the charge to adapt stablecoins. “I would like to ask if you can affirm for the almanac actuality that it is still your appearance that it is important, I would altercate alike urgent, for Congress to canyon legislation administering the regulations of the acquittal stablecoins,” he said.

Yellen replied:

She continued: “The president’s alive accumulation issued a address absolute that the accepted approved and authoritative frameworks don’t accommodate constant and absolute standards for the risks of stablecoins as a new blazon of acquittal products, and urges Congress to achieve legislation to ensure that stablecoins and such arrange accept a federal prudential framework.”

The treasury secretary elaborated: “I would appetite a bipartisan activity to actualize such a framework. We would attending advanced to alive with you.” She added:

“I anticipate that artlessly illustrates that this is a rapidly growing artefact and there are risks to banking adherence and we charge a framework that’s appropriate,” Yellen stressed.

Toomey bound responded: “It’s important to agenda that the stablecoin to which you refer, I believe, is an algebraic stablecoin. So that agency by analogue it is not backed by banknote or balance as the — if you can alarm them — ‘more accepted stablecoins.'”

The stablecoin terrausd (UST) lost its parity with the U.S. dollar and alone to an best low of $0.66 per assemblage on Monday.

Financial Stability Oversight Council Annual Report Warns About Stablecoin Runs

The FSOC anniversary report additionally states that stablecoins may be accessible to run risks. Noting that “the abeyant for the added use of stablecoins as a agency of acquittal raises a ambit of prudential concerns,” the address states:

Federal Reserve Board’s Report on Financial Stability Says Stablecoins Are Prone to Runs

The FSOC’s appearance on stablecoins is aggregate by the Federal Reserve. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System appear its semi-annual Financial Stability Report Monday analogously admonishing about the run risks of stablecoins.

Among the risks discussed in the address is “funding risks,” which “expose the banking arrangement to the achievability that investors will ‘run’ by abandoning their funds from a accurate academy or sector,” the address details, elaborating:

In addition, “The stablecoin area connected to abound rapidly and charcoal apparent to clamminess risks,” the address notes.

What do you anticipate about Treasury Secretary Yellen’s comments and the warnings by the Federal Reserve and the Financial Stability Oversight Council on stablecoins? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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