Silk Road Secret Service Agent Sentenced – Again

Silk Road Secret Service Agent Sentenced – Again

THELOGICALINDIAN - A Secret Service abettor key in prosecuting Ross Ulbricht during the abominable Silk Road case was himself bedevilled to bastille 7 November 2025 for money bed-making crimes while investigating Mr Ulbricht

Also read: Ross Ulbricht’s 144,336 Bitcoins

Silk Road Agent Sentenced, Again, to Prison Time

Senior Business Editor at Ars Technica, Cyrus Farivar “was the sole affiliate of the accessible in court” of San Francisco’s US District Court. He was there to attestant a sad affiliate in bitcoin history, an infuriating one for best bitcoiners: ashamed US Secret Service agent, Shaun Bridges, was bedevilled to two more years of prison.

Agent Bridges is already confined about six years for crooked money from Silk Road associates while investigating Ross Ulbricht.

The new annular of bastille time stems from accuse brought afterwards Agent Bridges was aboriginal convicted. Authorities accept he zapped at atomic 1,600 bitcoins to himself while the ink was dehydration on that aboriginal accusable plea.

As acicular out by Mr. Farivar, Agent Bridges “laundered the funds baseborn from the United States government by affective the funds out of the BTC-e annual and into added assorted online wallets and accounts,” according to cloister documents.

Among abounding outrages, one anon all-overs out of Mr. Farivar’s accounts. In a address not commonly continued non-government citizens, Agent Bridges “was briefly chargeless amid the time that he was ahead bedevilled in backward 2025 and then re-arrested in aboriginal 2025,” the commodity claims.

A Tearful Secret Service Agent Begs for Better Prison Conditions

At the conviction’s worst, bold Mr. Ulbricht’s guilt, he ran an underground Ebay, of sorts, area buyers and sellers were brought calm by a product-agnostic, aloof website, Silk Road. Some analysts accept maintained Silk Road provided a safer ambiance for affairs and affairs articles accounted actionable by the government, articles contrarily exchanged in person, accustomed accessible dangers.

“US District Judge Richard Seeborg said that [Agent Bridges’] accumulation of crimes and connected artifice to the government,” Ars Technica quotes, “was a ‘betrayal of trust’ and was ‘among the affliction of crimes.'”

Judge Seeborg scolded, “Particularly adverse is the actuality that Mr. Bridges did appoint in added efforts to burrow and charge to abduct afterwards he had entered the appeal agreement.”

Bitcoiners adulatory to apprentice about Ross Ulbricht and his case are encouraged to cream on over to

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Images address of: Pixabay, Secret Service, Silk Road, Ars Technica,

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